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The Bestiary is a catalogue featuring descriptions of almost every NPC and enemy in the mod. It can be viewed by opening the small book icon in the player's inventory. The Bestiary displays money, drops, knockback, HP, and a small description of each enemy.

Initially, no information is available about any particular entity. There are four stages of progression for each entity, each unlocked based on a player's current experience level with that entity in the world:

  • 1 kill: Name and portrait display
  • 10 kills: Stats and description display
  • 25 kills: Item drop lists display
  • 50 kills: Item drop rates display

Certain enemies have a lower kill requirement due to rarity, these include:
Prototype Silver, Ancient Gladestone Golem, Blobble, and Vagrant Spirit - 25
Bob the Blob and Nuclear Shadow - 10
Space Paladin and Jolly Madman - 5
Forest Nymph - 1

All entries from the Mod of Redemption have the Redemption Icon.pngMod of Redemption filter.

Elemental resistances

Main article: Elemental damage#Elemental resistance

Debuff Resistances is a new information display category in the Bestiary, placed below the description. This information reveals itself after the 20% of the kill count threshold has been reached, similar to description and base stats.


Icon Filter Number of creatures
Bestiary Fowl Morning Fowl Morning 8
Bestiary Abandoned Laboratory Abandoned Laboratory 12
Bestiary Wasteland Liden 5
Bestiary The Alpha The Alpha 1
Bestiary The Omega The Omega 7
Bestiary Corrupt Wasteland Corrupt Wasteland 1
Bestiary Crimson Wasteland Crimson Wasteland 1
Bestiary Desert Wasteland Desert Wasteland 3
Bestiary Wasteland Wasteland 14
Bestiary Snow Wasteland Snow Wasteland 3


Entity Stars Filters Description
Treebark Dryad Bestiary Rating 4.png Surface, Daytime A slow-thinking ent from Fairwood. Some say it is wise, some say it is mystical, but everyone can agree that it is, indeed, a tree.
Fallen Bestiary Rating 2.png Caverns Fallen are a category of undead with a soul strong enough to form pale brown flesh. Most being aggressive towards humans, this one is a rare case who can sell ritualist equipment and repair fragments of ancient weapons.
Daerel Bestiary Rating 2.png Surface A traveller from mainland Epidotra who is friends with Zephos. Most skilled at archery and stealth.
Zephos Bestiary Rating 2.png Ocean A traveller from mainland Epidotra who is friends with Daerel. Most skilled at swordplay.
Fool Bestiary Rating 4.png Underground ...
Friendly T-Bot Bestiary Rating 2.png The Alpha, Liden Quiet, mildly melancholic but happy to help you, Adam is an android and the leader of a small group called the Alpha. They are your go-to guide for all-things Liden. "I may be the only one of my kind to honor all Three Laws... I can't assure the others will take you in with open arms like I did. Stay safe out there."
Gold Chicken Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Daytime A chicken with golden feathers. Best not to kill it, for it can lay golden eggs!
Lost Soul Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns, Nighttime Lost Souls search around the world to look for corpses to infuse with. They roam catacombs and graveyards, sometimes taking many days to find a compatible vessel.
Bone Spider Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns A skeletal spider ready to spook you at any moment! Don't worry, it's not technically a spider; spiders don't have bones.
Chicken Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Daytime These chickens somehow found their way through the portal from the mainland. Being true to their name, they will flee at the sight of danger. They are most comfortable on hay, and will even lay eggs while sitting on it!
Coast Scarab Bestiary Rating 1.png Ocean, Daytime A species of scarab commonly found scuttering around the beach. They're rather cute and harmless creatures, but can be used to create dyes if you're a greedy monster.
Sandskin Spider Bestiary Rating 1.png Desert, Daytime A spider that commonly burrows in the desert sands. They don't normally come out, due to the intense heat of the sun.
Tree Bug Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Daytime A beetle commonly found inhabiting trees. It feeds on leaves and uses its leaf-like shell for camouflage against predators. Its shell makes a good source of green dye.
Kabucra Bestiary Rating 1.png Ocean Kabucra, or Shell Crabs, find and use sturdy seashells as armour against predators. Due to their tiny size, they can escape by burying into the ground in case their shells aren't enough protection.
Nuclear Shadow Bestiary Rating 4.png Wasteland A Human Shadow Etched in Stone, all that remains of someone who was vaporized by a nuclear blast. Also known as a Human Shadow of Death.
Hazmat Bunny Bestiary Rating 3.png Wasteland A bunny suited up in a Type 1 Hazmat Suit. Ain't no hazardous materials harming this little fuzzball!
Fly Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns A pesky annoyance that only exists to ruin your day. They're attracted to rotting undead.
Spider Swarmer Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns Lives in dark caverns or basements. These on their own are harmless, but if you see a swarm of them, prepare for a thousand bite marks.
Blobble Bestiary Rating 3.png Surface, Daytime An exceptionally rare slime native to Ithon. It may look harmless, but the acid it is composed of can dissolve iron in less than a minute.
Moonflare Bat Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Nighttime These bats have thin wings, causing moonlight to pass through, creating the illusion that they glow. They store the light of the moon within them and convert it to weak energy.
Devil's Tongue Bestiary Rating 1.png Desert, Daytime A carnivorous cactus that grows in deserts. Produces painful clouds of pollen to attract flies to their doom.
Grand Larva Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns, Desert, Underground Desert Gross insects holding many flies within. Can be used as good bait.
Living Bloom Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Daytime A common creature native to Anglon, living in lush forests. They are made out of plant fibre and roots.
Skeleton Flagbearer Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Nighttime Every squad needs a guy holding a big flag. This stubby skeleton's dance can rally any undead who lay witness! Non-undead just look at the silly dance with embarrassment...
Vagrant Spirit Bestiary Rating 3.png Caverns Souls without a compatible vessel to infuse with, trapped within the spirit realm for so long they seeped out and are now slightly visible to the naked eye. They shall roam the caverns for eternity.
Epidotrian Skeleton Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns These skeletons are from Epidotra's mainland, they are slightly taller and smarter than the island's ones. Their strength is dependent on their soul, which is also known as Willpower.
Dancing Skeleton Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Nighttime Created when a corpse is bound by a soul, and the soul can still remember the last piece of music it heard. It will attempt to mimic the exact sounds it remembers. If it can't do that, then it will just dance uncontrollably. Some tunes are more deadly than others.
Corrupt Chicken Bestiary Rating 1.png Blood Moon How could a being so pure become so tainted? Such is the way of life.
Skeleton Wanderer Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns A skeleton from Epidotra's mainland. It wears rusty pauldrons and wields a rusty spear.
Skeleton Warden Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Nighttime A blindfolded skeleton from Anglon. It defends other undead with its tower shield and slams any attackers that get too close.
Corpse-Walker Priest Bestiary Rating 1.png Desert, Underground Desert, Nighttime Dried up skeletons that take the role of a cleric, they shoot golden sparks that can heal other undead... And damage humans.
Skeleton Assassin Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns A sneaky skeleton wielding a worn dagger. Keep an eye out when exploring the caverns, for they can hide themselves and stab you from behind.
Skeleton Duelist Bestiary Rating 1.png Caverns Skeletons with skillful swordplay. Be careful in close-quarter combat with these bone heads, or else you might find your head on the floor.
Vicious Chicken Bestiary Rating 1.png Blood Moon How could a being so pure become so tainted? Such is the way of life.
Skeleton Noble Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Nighttime A strong skeleton wearing the equipment of Anglon's Common Guard. These are tough brutes that won't be taken down easily.
Jolly Madman Bestiary Rating 4.png Caverns The body of a noble knight of Gathuram, the soul of a criminal. Now dead and stuck under the earth in the dark labyrinthine caves, they have lost their split minds and gone insane.
Ancient Gladestone Golem Bestiary Rating 2.png Caverns An ancient relic of the far past. These golems were once infused with a human's soul to come to life, now they roam aimlessly within ruined structures.
Forest Nymph Bestiary Rating 5.png Surface, Daytime Rare humanoid creatures found in forests, far from civilization. They live in giant hollowed-out trees, usually near an enchanted pond. They are solitary and territorial beings, seldom enjoying the company of others. It is unknown how these creatures came to be, legends suggest they are the handiwork of Epidotra itself - grown from the earth same as all flora, but to blossom into the form of a human.
Android Mk.I Bestiary Rating 2.png Surface, Daytime Fodder sent down to the island by King Slayer III to scan. These are the first iteration of the Android Unit and the first robots designed by King Slayer during his million year voyage. Their original purpose was to bring company and life to the SoS, however they have since been fitted with more combat-oriented parts. When damaged, they will retreat back to the SoS and alert the network. Apidroids were an experiment with a highly durable metal from a distant star system. The metal - dubbed 'Rose Titanium' by King Slayer III - is one of the strongest materials discovered in the galaxy. However, King Slayer III hated its pink tinge, and so stubbornly refused to use it after making a few Androids out of it.
Prototype Silver Mk.I Bestiary Rating 2.png Sky Prototype Silvers were the 2nd Slayer Unit constructed, with a built-in shield generator and durable plating. Made for military purposes during an alien war in Asherah. The war was a swift one. Despite its name, it's mainly composed of the spare titanium from Alkonost.
Space Paladin Mk.I Bestiary Rating 3.png Sky The 4th Slayer Unit constructed, after Space Keeper. This unit uses newer shield technology compared to King Slayer's Prototype Multium vessel, and is capable of absorbing far greater impacts; in addition to the thick durable plating and cyber blade, this robot was built for war.
Chicken Scratcher Bestiary Rating 1.png Fowl Morning, Surface, Daytime Chicken scratch, chicken scratch a lot. They can never never never stop. Chicken scratch, chicken can scratch all day.
Headless Chicken Bestiary Rating 1.png Fowl Morning, Surface, Daytime *Ghastly bwark*
Chicken Bomber Bestiary Rating 1.png Fowl Morning, Surface, Daytime Buck.
Rooster Booster Bestiary Rating 1.png Fowl Morning, Surface, Daytime Cockadoodle-doo!
Haymaker Bestiary Rating 1.png Fowl Morning, Surface, Daytime Bwark!
Ooze Blob Bestiary Rating 1.png Abandoned Laboratory An amorphous blob of foul-smelling ooze. Below its icky slime is something organic, excreting its fluid almost endlessly... God, what a mess.
Oozing Scientist Bestiary Rating 2.png Abandoned Laboratory An unfortunate scientist, disfigured and mutilated beyond recognition by the Xenomite infection. This strain is very aggressive and leaks a strange liquidy substance... God, does it smell awful.
Blistered Scientist Bestiary Rating 2.png Abandoned Laboratory An unfortunate scientist, disfigured and mutilated beyond recognition by the Xenomite infection. This strain is somewhat aggressive and their skin is covered in blisters... God, do they look repulsive.
Bloated Scientist Bestiary Rating 3.png Abandoned Laboratory An unfortunate scientist, mutilated and disfigured by the Xenomite infection. This strain is mildly aggressive, and has bloated their gastric track to monstrous sizes... God, that must feel vile...
Bloated Clinger Bestiary Rating 2.png Corrupt Wasteland Clingers irradiated by radioactive particles that have been disfigured by rapid, volatile cell growth.
Bloated Face Monster Bestiary Rating 2.png Crimson Wasteland Face Monsters irradiated by radioactive particles that have been disfigured by rapid, volatile cell growth.
Bloated Ghoul Bestiary Rating 2.png Desert Wasteland Ghouls irradiated by radioactive particles that have been disfigured by rapid, volatile cell growth.
Bloated Grub Bestiary Rating 1.png Desert Wasteland Full of protein!
Bloated Swarmer Bestiary Rating 2.png Desert Wasteland Giant insects irradiated by radioactive particles that have been disfigured by rapid, volatile cell growth.
Sickened Bunny Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland This poor bunny has developed painful tumors from the radioactivity in the area, and seems very angry.
Mutated Living Bloom Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland Despite its peculiar circumstances, this Bloom seems to be doing fine. Two heads always were better than one, or so they say.
Bloated Digger Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland Diggers irradiated by radioactive particles that have been disfigured by rapid, volatile cell growth.
Hazmat Zombie Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland Even the undead dislike the radiation left from a nuclear blast. Although the suits they wear don't help much, seeing as they're quite torn.
Bob the Blob Bestiary Rating 5.png Wasteland A mess of radioactive sludge coating some poor skeleton. They don't look happy about their situation.
Radioactive Slime Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland An irradiated gelatinous creature whose membrane has been highly contaminated by radioactive materials from the fallout.
Nuclear Slime Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland F is for the Fire that burns down the whole town, U is for Uranium bombs! N is for No Survivors-
Sickened Demon Eye Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland Is it crying? No, that's just foul smelling pus leaking out.
Bloated Goldfish Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland A goldfish bloated with radioactive pus.
Radioactive Physalia Bestiary Rating 2.png Wasteland The jellyfish seems to be unaware of its condition, of course that is to be expected when they don't have a brain.
Sickly Penguin Bestiary Rating 2.png Snow Wasteland Penguins can fend off deadly cold, but they can't fend off the insidious killer that is irradiation. Here, the symptoms have shown up as blistering tumors.
Sneezy Snow Flinx Bestiary Rating 3.png Snow Wasteland Looks like its big nose has caught a cold! Seems like it wasn't prepared for weather as cold as one made by a nuclear winter.
Sickly Wolf Bestiary Rating 2.png Snow Wasteland Living in a snowy wasteland isn't easy, as this starving, rabid lupine shows us. Most of its prey has been killed by the radioactivity in the area, and the carcasses aren't safe to eat anymore.
Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos Bestiary Rating 5.png Sky, Nighttime ...
Akka Bestiary Rating 5.png Surface Little has been recorded of Akka during her youth, it is believed by the locals that her spirit infused with a great tree in the Spirit Realm, where she would sleep until awoken by her husband to be worshipped once more.
Ukko Bestiary Rating 5.png Surface Once a blacksmith in ancient Tethuram who had an immense talent in magic, growing to be seen as a god by many who witnessed his strengths. In his old age, growing weary of his mortality, Ukko infused his soul into a bundle of rocks, allowing him to eventually reform when the times comes. The locals worshipped this golem, until the knowledge of Ukko's soul inside slowly faded away.
Omega Cleaver Bestiary Rating 5.png The Omega, Liden A proof-of-concept weapon of war modified by Girus, the Omega Cleaver is a giant sword controlled by a small remote stick that was wielded by another machine.
Erhan, Anglonic High Priest Bestiary Rating 3.png Surface, Daytime A high priest of Fairwood, tasked himself to purify the forest's curse after it consumed it's warden.
Omega Gigapora Bestiary Rating 5.png The Omega, Liden A modified tunnelling machine, originally of Teochrome design, retrofitted with rocket boosters, various weaponry and very experimental projected shield technology. Gigapora's shield projectors are prone to overheating and melting if they're inside the projected shield, hence why they're outside.
Shield Core Bestiary Rating 4.png The Omega, Liden These bulky, lightweight drones hold experimental shield projectors in their lower half. If damaged, the projector may malfunction and violently release its energy right back into the segments it was protecting.
The Keeper Bestiary Rating 3.png Surface, Nighttime A powerful fallen who had learned forbidden necromancy, its prolonged usage having mutated her body.
King Slayer III Bestiary Rating 5.png Sky, Daytime "What? You want my lore? Go get your own lore!"
Energy Magnet Drone Mk.I Bestiary Rating 2.png Sky This drone converts projectiles into energy to fire back at their targets.
Missile Drone Mk.I Bestiary Rating 2.png Sky A missile drone built by King Slayer III during his million year voyage.
Scanner Drone Mk.I Bestiary Rating 2.png Sky A drone used to collect data and store it within the SoS.
Space Keeper Bestiary Rating 2.png Sky The 3rd Slayer Unit created by King Slayer III during his million year voyage. Construction began after an alien war which left most of Slayer's androids damaged or broken. This unit specialises in using nanobots to heal other robots.
Omega Obliterator Bestiary Rating 5.png The Omega, Liden An autonomous war machine mostly of Girus' own design with many integrated weapon systems, such as literal finger guns and an advanced heat dispersion system in the form of a giant beam, capable of obliterating anyone it engulfs - Also where Obliterator got its name from.
Patient Zero Bestiary Rating 5.png Abandoned Laboratory An unfortunate scientist, mutilated and disfigured by the Xenomite infection. This specimen was Kari Johannson, the father of all T-Bots and patient zero of the xenomite infection. He's been stuck for 50 years, conscious and aware of the situation around him... God, that must be tormentous.
Hive Growth Bestiary Rating 1.png Wasteland, Daytime A gross growth grown from a grotesque goliath.
Seed of Infection Bestiary Rating 4.png Wasteland, Daytime A blistering pocket of the Xenomite infection.
Thorn, Bane of the Forest Bestiary Rating 3.png Surface, Daytime An unfortunate warden of a cursed forest, doomed to be consumed by blighted thorns.
Basan Bestiary Rating 3.png Fowl Morning, Surface, Daytime A legendary bird of Ithonic mythos said to live in the Fractured Highlands. It really took the term "hot wing" to heart.
Cockatrice Bestiary Rating 2.png Fowl Morning, Surface, Daytime 50% chicken, 50% dragon, yet somehow still tastes 100% like chicken.
Ghost-fire Chicken Bestiary Rating 1.png Fowl Morning, Surface, Daytime *Ghastly bwark*
Irradiated Behemoth Bestiary Rating 4.png Abandoned Laboratory An unfortunate scientist, disfigured and mutilated beyond recognition by the Xenomite infection. This specimen is entering the final stage of the infection, and has had its body transform into a sludgy slurry on the ceiling... God, that must be agonizing.
Blistered Fish Bestiary Rating 2.png Abandoned Laboratory An unfortunate fish, disfigured and mutilated beyond recognition by the Xenomite Infection. This strain's teeth are crystallized.
Blisterface Bestiary Rating 4.png Abandoned Laboratory An unfortunate fish, disfigured and mutilated beyond recognition by the Xenomite infection. This strain seems to be similar to that of the Blistered Scientists... That's a bigass fish.
Crane Operator Bestiary Rating 2.png The Omega, Abandoned Laboratory A timid android with ambitious goals. She does small, odd jobs around the Laboratory. Usually ones that required an operator.
The Janitor Bestiary Rating 4.png The Omega, Abandoned Laboratory Amidst all the ailments that germs can conjure, all the grime mankind can produce. We'll send unto them, only you. Scrape and Clean until it is done.
MACE Project Bestiary Rating 5.png Abandoned Laboratory An old, unfinished war machine that went haywire. Looks like it never saw the light of day, as it's in progress of being scrapped for parts and components.
Protector Volt Bestiary Rating 5.png The Omega, Abandoned Laboratory A gentle giant who keeps his sentences short and acts as a Guard inside the Laboratory. Volt used to be part of the Bear Unit on the surface, but retired after a violent altercation.
Calavia Bestiary Rating 3.png Caverns A Chief-Warrior of the Iron Realm, lost and troubled by her distant venture from her home of Khen Boldur, which was spurred on by the barons of Arum. Swordplay and smithing is her expertise, along with familiarity of Blizzard magic.
Eaglecrest Golem Bestiary Rating 3.png Surface, Daytime Constructed in Gathuram and sent to Ithon as a gift in a time of peace between the domains. Although the people of Gathuram forgot to mention one thing...
Eaglecrest Rock Pile Bestiary Rating 2.png Surface, Daytime It dances, for it does not know the world's impurities.
Chickadier Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Daytime A soldier of the Fowl Emperor. Don't ask where they get their explosive eggs from.
Chick Envoy Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Daytime A loyal messenger of the Fowl Emperor. Don't ask where they got their hats from.
Coop Crate Bestiary Rating 1.png Surface, Daytime A lootbox for people who specifically want an explosive egg. The chickens have not realised they need the randomness aspect for it to actually be exciting.
Fowl Emperor Bestiary Rating 3.png Surface, Daytime An Anglonic forest rooster with quite the personality. Was this intelligent animal the handiwork of a human's soul, or perhaps he was some mythological creature? We may never know. It may have just been a chicken, but it was a reminder of the hideous truth that, regardless of species, monarchy perpetuates archaic views of class and degrades others based on arbitrary standards.
Skull Digger Bestiary Rating 3.png Caverns The first successful reanimation from the Keeper. Skull Digger swore to protect and care for her, while she would use forbidden necromancy to keep his fading body alive. At this point, his lower half is nothing more than a spirit.


  • Some of the bestiary entries, like Blobble's or Coast Scarab's ones were originally written for a now-removed weapon named "Loreholder, Cursed Blade".