Data Logs

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Data Logs
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Data Logs are items that can be found in the Crashed Ship's Holochests, or bought from King Slayer III after giving him the Ship AFTL Engine. They provide no functional use, but provide details for the lore of the mod, specifically King Slayer III's spacefaring journey.

Data Logs

Item Tooltip
Data Log 1 Data Log 1 It reads - 'I have successfully reached the outer thermosphere and escaped my world's Reset.
I understand the challenge before me, a normal human's lifespan sounds miniscule
compared to the time I must travel through space, but it is my goal to withstand this infinite voyage.
I just hope it'll all be worth it when I return to the new world. I've decided to write these
logs every day until I return, and preserve my encounters for when I get back.
But that's a million years from now. I just hope I won't regret it.'
Data Log 2 Data Log 2 It reads - 'If I ever forget why I'm doing this, I will write it down here.
When a Great Era ends, all life dies and the world resets. I am from a previous era
and successfully escaped into space, as the reset won't affect me outside of the world.
A reset apparently takes a million years, so I must travel through space during that time period,
and with luck, I should come back here a million years from now, and see the new world in all it's beauty.
As far as I know, I am the sole survivor, and the first living thing to ever escape.
I transferred my human mind into a robotic body as no living thing can break through the planet's barrier,
and I won't need to worry about thirst, hunger, or sleep.'
Data Log 3 Data Log 3 It reads - 'Strange.
I'm starting to get symptoms of thirst and tiredness...
This shouldn't be happening. Without a soul, stomach, or eyes, these basic human needs are expendable.
If, for whatever reason these needs still affect me, this could make this voyage a nightmare.
The placebo method of satisfying these requirements are unable to be practiced without modifications to my vessel,
and many other ideas to resolve this disaster require more than what this tiny escape-craft provides.
So, I have no way of stopping these symptoms as of yet. I'm still 2 years from reaching the nearest planet - Nabu III.
Actually, I should come up with a new name for my robotic body... Something other than Survival Robot Mk. 78.'
Data Log 6 Data Log 6 It reads - 'My worst fear is coming true.
I have a strong feeling of frailty and thirst, and my hunger has begun to take hold.
It's only been 6 days. Roughly 359,000,000 days to go...
I've tried all I can with the limited resources, but these painful feelings can't go away.
The human mind is more complicated than I imagined, and being combined with all this technical junk
only makes it harder for me to look into it! If only I had more time back then,
I could've looked through this body's code and easily discovered the error!
Letting this phantom pain consume me is all I can do until I reach the next planet.'
Data Log 335 Data Log 335 It reads - 'About a year to go until I reach Nabu III.
I am STILL dealing with these damn feelings of hunger and tiredness,
and have only been getting worse from here. Humans can last 11 days without sleep,
the only thing holding the pain back beyond that point was death.
I can't even bloody die from fatigue, I can't starve to death either,
What am I to do? ... I shouldn't give up yet, I WILL reach the planet and I WILL fix this.'
Data Log 722 Data Log 722 It reads - 'Finally!
I am close enough to Nabu III to get a scan of the planet. All data has been logged:
Seems to be a standard ocean planet with a radius of 5605.77km.
It's primary composition is of iron at 35.3%, and the gravitational pull is 7.84 m/s².
A similar cycle to my world with an axis tilt of 28.37*. Atmospheric pressure of 91.83 kPa.
The majority of the surface is covered in ice sheets, with the rest being an ocean.
The atmosphere is 78.4% sulphur dioxide, and the average temperature is -10*C.
Basically, an uninhabitable frozen planet... Great.'
Data Log 919 Data Log 919 It reads - 'Alright. I have constructed a temporary base on Nabu III
The amount of iron and sulfur here has come in handy.
I mean, if I was a human I'd be dead with the lack of proper air.
My blueprint for a country-sized spaceship is also finished. Now begins the long construction.
The design will be a crescent moon shape, not sure why...
Probably because I used to look up at the moon of my world a lot
when I was human. I wish I still was.'
Data Log 180499 Data Log 180499 It reads - 'This pain makes my body feel like it's on the brink of collapsing with every step I take,
whenever I think for a moment it has reached its pinnacle it mocks my naivety and grows evermore.
On brighter news my big-arse spaceship is finished. Now I can leave this planet.
I'm getting real sick of snow, the old world was nothing but snow as well, I just want some greenery for once.
Unfortunately my next planet is even further from the sun so I'm not really hopeful...'
Data Log 182500 Data Log 182500 It reads - 'Today marks 500 years away from home.
It took 5.5 years but I'm at the next planet - Alkonost. I expected to get there faster,
but I REALLY underestimated the amount of fuel this giant spaceship would consume.
I'm certain I wouldn't have made that mistake if I just didn't feel so terrible!
Living like this is absolute hell. I'll scan and read this planet's statistics next data log.'
Data Log 182501 Data Log 182501 It reads - 'Alright. Alkonost. And of course, it's ANOTHER ICE PLANET! ... What am I saying,
of course it is. How could I be so dense to think the planet furthest from the Suns
WASN'T a frozen mess. Right, the radius is 6059.58km and has a high quantity of titanium and iron.
That'll be useful, Nabu III lacked titanium greatly.
Gravity is 11.13 m/s². A cycle is 32.65 hours, with an axis tilt of 11.58*
Oh. 100% of the surface is just ice. The atmosphere is highly pressured and toxic too.
The temperature is... -223*C. I'll be cautious to not freeze, as I doubt I'll be able to handle that.'
Data Log 182573 Data Log 182573 It reads - 'This is a shock...
After exploring Alkonost's surface, I've finally found something other than ice!
Took so long since I can't last down there for more than half a minute.
From the looks of things, it looks man-made. Or I guess alien-made... Heh.
First time I've felt this amused in forever, but anyways, the structure:
It was under the thick ice sheet so I had to drill quite far down.
The water under there must be freezing, but curiosity is getting the better of me here.
I have found an entrance, inside is just as cold though, so I should go back up into my ship before exploring further.'
Data Log 184753 Data Log 184753 It reads - 'I have basically harvested this planet's titanium dry.
The alien tech I found in that strange structure has come in handy,
I've augmented it into my spaceship's thrusters, so I can reach planets much faster.
Hmm... I should give the ship a name... Well, I called my robot-self King Slayer III,
so the ship must be just as cool. How about: Ship of the Slayer! Or SoS for short?
Well, it's finally time to explore beyond the Vorti Star System.
I have 999,493.8 years to go... and my overwhelming pain still hasn't settled.
All possible solutions I have tried in vain. I guess this will be my state of being forever.'
Data Log 184989 Data Log 184989 It reads - 'On my journey to the nearest solar system, I decided to dabble with AI.
I have set up blueprints for a simple android with the purpose of
maintaining the SoS while I'm away. It's something for me to do so why not.
It's estimated to take 770 years to reach the next solar system,
and I haven't encountered another moving thing for 506 years.
Having robots going about the SoS would be nice, and I'll be less lonely.'
Data Log 466105 Data Log 466105 It reads - 'Welp, I've reached the next solar system.
3 planets have been scanned, which is quite a disappointment...
I was hoping for there to be more to do.
But it's fine I guess, the androids I've created have been keeping me company.
I'll go to the planet nearest the habitable zone, 'cos robots have become pretty boring now,
and I'm dying to see actual greenery, not some dull frozen wasteland.'
Data Log 466476 Data Log 466476 It reads - 'I have named this planet Asherah, it appears to be iron/silicate-based.
Its radius is giant, roughly 8800km, with iron as its primary composition.
Quite strong gravity, a slightly lengthy cycle, and an axis tilt of 53.09*..
Only 1% of the surface is water, the rest looks like... boring stone and sand. Hm.
Oh! The scanner has found life! Microbes, fungi, sentient animals... What is that?
Well I've found life here, only problem is they look ugly as hell.
2.01 million of these intelligent creatures have been scanned, so they've been around for a while.'
Data Log 500198 Data Log 500198 It reads - 'I'm done with Asherah, the aliens there attacked me so I had to make some weaponry.
I decided to make a new android, one for military purposes, I've named it the Prototype Silver.
Despite its name, it's mainly composed of the spare titanium from Alkonost.
I did find a metric ton of coal from Asherah's caverns, so that's nice.
Well... onto the next planet, I just hope THIS one will be lush and green.
All the planets I've been to were either frozen or barren.'
Data Log 545675 Data Log 545675 It reads - 'Wow, this planet blew my expectations away...
I have named it Alatar V. It's very small, and on the surface it looks barren.
However, it's cave systems are beautiful. There's so many colours and valuable ores.
I've been exploring them overtime for probably years now. But that's fine,
Not like I got anything better to do.
I'll be leaving this planet soon and moving onto the next solar system.'
Data Log 999735 Data Log 999735 It reads - 'I haven't done one of these in forever, but I should explain what happened.
I was travelling to the next solar system, when suddenly some wormhole appeared.
The SoS couldn't turn fast enough so it got sucked in. Wormholes are like portals of the universe,
so I expected to just reach the end instantly, but no, I was stuck in the wormhole for almost 1000 years.
God it was boring, but I had the androids to keep me company. Unfortunately, I don't know where I am now.
I can't tell how far away I am from home, but I see a nearby star, so hopefully there's some planets.'
Data Log 1000000 Data Log 1000000 It reads - 'Today is the millionth day in space. When I was writing that down,
I had a dumb moment where I thought it was a million years. But no.
It has only been 2739.7 years, so... 364,000,000 days left? It feels like forever,
and yet it's only been 0.27% of a million... Why am I still doing this. What's the point anymore?
Every day is a pain, I just want to eat, I want to sleep. Yet the universe mocks my efforts.
I would say I want to be human again, but to be honest, I don't want to be anything anymore.'
Data Log 1012875 Data Log 1012875 It reads - 'About damn time. I've finally found a green planet. But am I happy about this?
Not really. I thought this would make me feel something, but it's hopeless.
I can't remember the last time I felt happy, my fault for forcing my vessel to keep me alive.
But anyway, it looks like this planet has intelligent life, so I'll land and see if they're friendly.
If they're not, I'll just shoot them. Simple.'
Data Log 3650000 Data Log 3650000 It reads - 'Today is the 10,000th year in space, only 1% of a million...
I feel like living beings shouldn't be allowed to live for this long.
A hundred years for a human is forever, and I've been around for 100x that!
I've redesigned my robotic body again, but I still haven't figured out how to get into my
human mind and get rid of this STUPID HUNGER. I DON'T HAVE A STOMACH, WHY AM I HUNGRY!?
Data Log 5385430 Data Log 5385430 It reads - 'The SoS got attacked by some Space Pirates.
Not like I care, I destroyed their ships so what can they do now?
The SoS's scanner picked up a lifeform in the engine room, so I should probably check it out.
I can't be asked to do anything really. But whatever.'
Data Log 25338300 Data Log 25338300 It reads - 'Nice.'
Data Log 36500001 Data Log 36500001 It reads - 'It's been 10% of a million years now. Yay.
I accidently skipped a day in the data logs so 10% was really yesterday, but not like I care.
I have explored... 2853 planets now, and they are starting to all look the same.
I'm sick of ice planets, sick of lush green ones, sick of barren ones... I guess I'm not satisfied anymore.'
Data Log 164550614 Data Log 164550614 It reads - 'I haven't felt like this in forever.
I upgraded my robotic self again, this time with more attack power. Xehito let me test it on him,
so we had a fight. The intensity of it was almost exhilarating, lasers firing everywhere,
explosions all around, it was generally a fun time. But something tells me he only let me
fight him to cheer me up, and I'm sorry Xehito, but that moment didn't last, I still feel empty.'
Data Log 364635000 Data Log 364635000 It reads - 'Only 1000 years until a million, and I can return home.
I've already set my course, but the problem is, because of that wormhole,
I don't know which way is home... All I can do now is go to a random direction
and hope for the best. But the galaxy is vast, I fear by the time I reach home again,
The next reset would've already started, and I'd have to wait another million years.
If that happens, I won't try anymore, I'll just give up.'
Data Log 365000000 Data Log 365000000 It reads - 'Today is the millionth year in space!
Unfortunately, I won't be able to see the new Great Era for some time.
I'm still lost in space.'
Data Log 389035250 Data Log 389035250 It reads - 'I've made it back, I'm home again.'


  • Data Log 25338300's entry is a reference to the meme where people reply to the numbers 69 or 420 with "nice"; 25338300 days is equivalent to 69,420 years.