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Ammunition items are consumable items fired by ranged weapons. To fire a weapon that requires ammunition, a compatible ammunition type must be present in the player's inventory. The ammunition will be taken from the first stack of suitable ammunition, checked in the following order: The four dedicated ammo slots of the inventory from top to bottom, then the main inventory from the top row (hotbar) to the bottom row, going from left to right within each row.

Each type of ammunition adds its damage, velocity, and knockback to the base value of the weapon that fires it. Damage bonuses also apply to the damage of bullets and arrows. Some weapons, armor, accessories, and buffs offer a chance for each shot to "conserve" ammo, firing a shot as usual without consuming the ammunition. If multiple such items and/or buffs are active, their respective chances to conserve ammo are simply added.

The Mod of Redemption adds multiple ammunition types, including both arrows and bullets which can be used by any gun or bow that doesn't have its own custom ammunition type.


Name Damage Velocity Velocity Multiplier Knockback Rarity HM Sell
Moonflare Arrow Moonflare Arrow 5 7 1 2.5 Rarity Level: 1 No 1 Copper Coin.png
Aqua Arrow Aqua Arrow 6 6 1 2.5 Rarity Level: 1 No 1 Copper Coin.png
Bile Arrow Bile Arrow 16 4.25 1 3 Rarity Level: 3 Tango Tick1.png 3 Copper Coin.png


Name Damage Velocity Velocity Multiplier Knockback Rarity HM Sell
Xenomite Bullet Xenomite Bullet 5 4 1 2 Rarity Level: 2 No 1 Copper Coin.png
Bile Bullet Bile Bullet 13 5.25 1 4 Rarity Level: 3 Tango Tick1.png 1 Copper Coin.png

Ammo used by tools

Solution Availability Effect Tooltip
Bleached Solution Bleached Solution Sold by the Friendly T-Bot, after creating the Wasteland Spreads Wasteland. Used by the Clentaminator
Spreads the Wasteland

Energy PackEnergy

Energy is a unique ammo type used for energy-based weaponry or giving another weapon an extra ability, such as D.A.N or Corrupted Double Rifle. It is obtained from an Energy Pack, which can be stacked up to 3 times, each giving +100 max energy. 1 Energy regenerates per second, however this can be increased with certain equipment and items.

Energy Consumables

Name Recharge Amount Rarity Sell
Energy Cell Energy Cell +100 Rarity Level: 4 20 Copper Coin.png
Uranium Uranium +15 Rarity Level: 7 4 Silver Coin.png
Plutonium Plutonium +30 Rarity Level: 9 20 Silver Coin.png

Energy Regeneration

Name Effect Rarity Sell
Energy Station Energy Station Right-clicking increases Energy regeneration by 50 for 5 seconds Rarity Level: 4 12 Gold Coin.png
Xenomite armor Xenomite armor Increased Energy regeneration by 10 Rarity Level: 5 1 Gold Coin.png 30 Silver Coin.png (set)
P0T4T0 P0T4T0 Increases Energy regeneration by 40 for 5 seconds Rarity Level: 3 60 Silver Coin.png
Hardlight Visor Hardlight Visor Increased Energy regeneration by 10 Rarity Level: 6 75 Silver Coin.png
Xenium armor Xenium armor Increased Energy regeneration by 15 Rarity Level: 11 15 Gold Coin.png (set)

Used for

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