Erhan, Anglonic High Priest

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ErhanAnglonic High Priest
Erhan, Anglonic High Priest.gif
Erhan, Anglonic High Priest Map Icon.png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact)
23 / 37 / 55
35 / 56 / 83 (Scorching Ray)
46 / 74 / 110 (Ray of Guidance)
Elemental damageHoly
Fire Scorching Ray and Ray of Guidance
Max Life2,600 / 3,900 / 5,850
Elemental multipliersShadow 1.25x
Blood 1.1x
Psychic 0.9x
Celestial 0.9x
Holy 0.75x
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffOn Fire!On Fire!
100% chance

Debuff duration5 seconds (Scorching Ray)
10 seconds (Ray of Guidance)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Coins1 Gold Coin.png 25 Silver Coin.png
Palebat Imp
Palebat Imp.gif
Max Life200
KB Resist50%

"Repent! Repent for thy sins!"

Erhan, Anglonic High Priest is a Pre-Hardmode boss fought anywhere. He is technically fightable on any route but is recommended to only fight on the Bad Route.

While Erhan, Anglonic High Priest is alive, the track Holy Inquisition will play.


Erhan does not spawn on his own, and requires the player to summon him using a Forbidden Ritual.

Using it summons a Palebat Imp, which Erhan will quickly kill via a Scorching Ray. After telling off the player for using the summon, Erhan will begin attacking.


Erhan hovers over the player's head, and pauses during attacks.

Every 5 attacks he will fall to the ground, summoning projectile reflecting shields closely around him and taking 2x damage from direct melee strikes. After a few seconds he will rise, buffing his attacks for the rest of the fight.

Upon defeating Erhan for the first time, he will summon a grenade and attempt to use it, accidentally blowing himself up in the process and falling to the ground with 1 health. The player can choose to either spare or execute Erhan, with their alignment lowering by 1 if they spare him and by 3 if they kill him. Should Erhan be killed, he will return as a spirit in any subsequent refights.

If the player resummons Erhan in the Underworld, he will decide to abandon the fight, teleporting away after saying a few unique lines.


  • Lightmass - Summons a burst of 4 to 6 White Flare.pngLightmass projectiles which will home lightly toward the player. Erhan has a 50% chance to summon 2 bursts instead of 1.
    • After resting once he will fire out 2 bursts, and 3 bursts after resting twice.
  • Holy Spears - Stops moving and summons telegraphed Holy Spear.pngHoly Spears from his body, which he will fire outward at high speed. The spears do not spawn directly below Erhan.
    • After resting once he will spawn two waves of spears.
    • On the For the worthy seed, he will fire a burst of 6 to 7 Ligtmass during the first wave of spears.
  • Scorching Ray - Gestures to the sky and summons 5 Scorching Ray.pngScorching Rays one after another. One Scorching Ray will always spawn directly on the player's position.
    • After resting once Erhan will additionally fire 4 bursts of Lightmass during this attack.
  • Holy Phalanx - Summons 6 Holy Phalanx.pngHoly Phalanxes that move outwards in a circle before stopping and flying directly at Erhan. Additionally, Erhan will summon a Scorching Ray on both sides of the player.
    • After resting once he will begin another attack while the Phalanxes are still out.
  • Ray of Guidance - Summons a massive Ray of Guidance that follows the player's location, all the while firing bursts of Lightmass.
    • Only performs this attack after resting once.
    • After performing at least 7 attacks, Erhan will add normal Scorching Rays to the attack.

Expert Changes

In addition to getting increased health and damage, Erhan gains the ability to use more difficult attacks using his Holy Bible (projectile).pngHoly Bible. Erhan always does these attacks immediately before his falling phase.

  • To The Heavens! - Summons an ascending array of platforms for the player to stand on. The Holy Bible fires a horizontal deathray that must be avoided by jumping up the platforms.
  • Seeds of Virtue - The Holy Bible rises into the air, releasing Holy Seed.pngHoly Seeds which form into lingering Holy Spears when they hit the ground.
  • Dual Phalanx - The Holy Bible and Erhan simultaneously release orbiting Phalanxes that gradually get further from their source, before quickly turning and flying straight back into them.
  • Crossrays - The Holy Bible emits cross-shaped rays and tries to ram the player.


  • The following dialogue will only appear if the "Disable Lore Elements" config in the menu is set to False.

    After summoning Erhan for the first time:

    • "Great heavens!!"
    • "Doth thine brain be stuck in a well!?"
    • "To summon a demon, so close to my land... 'Tis heresy!"
    • "Repent! Repent for thy sins!"
    • "Lest I smack'eth thine buttocks with the Hand of Judgement!"

    If the player hits Erhan with a Chicken Egg or a Gold Chicken Egg:

    • "Thou shall not egg a priest!"

    If the player hits Erhan with the Hallowed Hand Grenade of Anglon:

    • "Oh... So that is how it's used'eth..."
    • "What in God's name!?"

    If the player hits Erhan with the Holy Bible:

    • "How dare'eth! Doth thou use the sacred texts against me!?"
    • "Cease this boondoggling bible betrayal!"

    If the player hits Erhan with the Blind Justice, Demon's Terror:

    • "Expel my father's weapon from thy grasp'eth this instant!"

    Immediately after falling to the ground for the first time:

    • "Huzzah! *pant* A shield!"
    • "But alas, this shield is useless against a blade!"
    • (After getting back up): "*pant* *pant* Alright'eth! I hath regained my breath. Have at thee!"

    After beating Erhan for the first time:

    • "I foresee my defeat creeping up on me."
    • "Well..."
    • "If all else fail'eth..."
    • "Grenade."
    • "..."
    • "How doth one use this thing?""
    • (Grenade blows up, Erhan falls to the ground)
    • "It would appear'eth, I hath lost."
    • "If, mayhaps, you shan't spare my life..."
    • "Give master Hallowed Knight my regards."
    • (If the player decides to spare him): "Well... 'Til we meet again!"

    If resummoned:

    • "CEASE!"

    If resummoned in the Underworld:

    • "CEA-"
    • "... A-are we in..."
    • "Why didst thou summon me here!? I dareth not fight in such demonic lands!!"
    • "Farewell!"

    If resummoned as a spirit:

    • "Thou may inquire, how hath I returned..."
    • "I am but the holiest of men, thus the Lord has returned me to beat thine buttocks once more!"
    • (On repeat resummons): "Guess whom'st've's back!"

    Rarely, if resummoned as a spirit:

  • Tips

    For elaborate strategies on defeating Erhan, including Weapon and Arena recommendations, see Guide:Erhan strategies.
    • True Melee is highly effective on Erhan, as he takes massive damage from it while fallen down and you do not have to contend with the shield reflecting projectiles later in the fight.
    • Try not to move too much, as many of Erhan's attacks are easier to dodge if you're closer to him and he will usually try to stay directly above to close to you.
      • You need not worry about contact damage as Erhan does not deal it.


    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for Erhan, Anglonic High Priest: "A high priest of Fairwood, tasked himself to purify the forest's curse after it consumed it's warden."
    • Upon defeating or sparing Erhan, the Chalice of Alignment will say: "Attempting to summon a demon and slaying/fighting a priest... Are you alright in the head?"
    • The grenade Erhan drops and summons in his defeat cutscene is a reference to the Holy Hand Grenade from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
    • The Hallowed Knight Erhan references is a figure in the lore, an impostor acting as the Demigod of Light.
    • Erhan is the son of Eymen, a planned miniboss fought on Bad Route.
      • The two have a rather rocky relationship, likely due to Erhan's allegiance to the Hallowed Knight.
