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  • Holochest.gif
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TypeFurniture – Storage
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Dimensions2 wide × 2 high
Use time14 Very Fast
Map color#00f2aa ●
RarityRarity Level: 0
Sell1 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required

Holochests are chests found in the Crashed Ship that contain unique items. Each Holochest will contain one unique item along with other standard loot. Initially they are locked and can only be opened with the Holokey.


The Holochest always contains one primary item, a few common items as well as one of the Data Logs.

Primary Items
Hyper-Tech Revolvers Hyper-Tech Revolvers
Cyber Chakram Cyber Chakram
Android Hologram Android Hologram
Wire Taser Wire Taser
Global Discharge Global Discharge
Bio-Container Bio-Container
Item Quantity Chance
Scrap Metal Scrap Metal 1-2 100%
Circuit Circuit
Capacitor Capacitor
Plating Plating
Carbon Myofibre Carbon Myofibre 8-11 100%
Energy Cell Energy Cell 2-4 50%
Data Logs
Data Log 1 Data Log 1
Data Log 2 Data Log 2
Data Log 3 Data Log 3
Data Log 6 Data Log 6
Data Log 335 Data Log 335
Data Log 722 Data Log 722
Data Log 919 Data Log 919
Data Log 180499 Data Log 180499
Data Log 182500 Data Log 182500
Data Log 182501 Data Log 182501
Data Log 182573 Data Log 182573
Data Log 184753 Data Log 184753
Data Log 184989 Data Log 184989
Data Log 466105 Data Log 466105
Data Log 466476 Data Log 466476
Data Log 500198 Data Log 500198
Data Log 545675 Data Log 545675
Data Log 999735 Data Log 999735
Data Log 1000000 Data Log 1000000
Data Log 1012875 Data Log 1012875
Data Log 3650000 Data Log 3650000
Data Log 5385430 Data Log 5385430
Data Log 36500001 Data Log 36500001
Data Log 164550614 Data Log 164550614
Data Log 364635000 Data Log 364635000
Data Log 365000000 Data Log 365000000
Data Log 389035250 Data Log 389035250



Crafting Station
Work BenchWork Bench
