Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos

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NebuleusAngel of the Cosmos
Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos.gif
Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos Map Icon (first form).png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact)
180 / 216 / 324 (Giant Star, contact during dash attacks)
120 / 144 / 217 (Shooting Star, Starfall, Piercing Nebula)
126 / 151 / 226 (Cosmic Ray, Crystal Star)
63 / 75 / 113 (Crystal Star Shard)
198 / 237 / 356 (Starplane)
Elemental damageCelestial
Max Life337,500 / 405,000 / 607,500
Elemental multipliersPsychic 1.25x
Shadow 1.1x
Blood 1.1x
Nature 0.90x
Celestial 0.75x
KB Resist100%
Immune toPoisonedOn Fire!HellfireFrostburnFrostbiteCursed InfernoShadowflameAcid VenomDryad's BaneElectrifiedBleedingPure ChillDragonblazeMoonflareElectrified (Mod of Redemption)InfestedNecrotic GougeDirty Wound
Coins30 Gold Coin.png

"The chatter ends here. Prove to me your resolve, and I will show my own."

Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos is a post-Moon Lord boss that can be fought after Patient Zero.

While Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos is alive, the music Interstellar Isolation will play. While Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos' Ultimate Form is alive, the music Hypernova will play instead.


Nebuleus is summoned using the Galaxy Stone at night. If Nebuleus' Ultimate Form has been encountered at least once, right clicking the Galaxy Stone will instantly summon her second form.


Nebuleus is a stationary boss that floats in place, teleporting between attacks or if the player is too far away. She does not deal contact damage if she is not performing a physical attack. Every time she loses 25% of her maximum health, she will briefly pause and drop two heart pickups.

Nebuleus starts with five attacks but gains more as she enters each new subphase, while also enhancing some of her older ones. Most attacks introduced in a phase will be called out by text appearing above Nebuleus' head.

Upon reaching 1% of her health, Nebuleus will give up and end the fight, dropping her loor after leaving. If the player has negative Alignment, she will offfer the player to either continue the fight or spare her. Choosing to continue will force Nebuleus to enter her Ultimate Form. If the player spares her, they can make another choice after refighting her first form.


  • Star Blast - Shoots 3 rings of 8 telegraphed Shooting Star.pngShooting Stars from herself that spiral outwards, alternating between spinning clockwise and counterclockwise.
    • Below 75% health, Nebuleus will launch the second and third rings with less delay.
    • Below 50% health, the second ring will be slower and will consist of 10 Shooting Stars instead of 8.
    • No longer performs this attack below 25% health.
  • Starfall - Rains a mass of Starfall.pngStarfall projectiles angled towards the player's position.
  • Piercing Nebula - Quickly throws 2 Piercing Nebula (Nebuleus).pngPiercing Nebulas at the player.
    • Below 75% health, throws 3 Piercing Nebulas instead.
    • Below 50% health, throws 2 Piercing Nebulas at once to the sides of the player, followed by a spread of 3 Piercing Nebulas.
    • Below 25% health, throws a spread of 3 Nebulas, followed by a spread of 5, then a spread of 3 again.
  • Star Dash - Performs 3 consecutive predictive dashes towards the player, with the first 3 ending in her emitting a Giant Star.pngGiant Star around herself. The speed of the dash increases the further the player is from Nebuleus.
  • Nebula Dash - Vanishes, before teleporting above/below the player and dashing vertically 3 times.
    • Below 75% health, performs 4 dashes instead.

Below 75% health gains the following attacks:

  • Piercing Nebula Burst - Teleports around 4 times, firing a Piercing Nebula at the player after each teleport.
  • Erratic Star Blast - Fires a total of 7 curving Shooting Stars all around her with random velocities.
    • Below 50% health, fires 11 Shooting Stars instead.
  • Super Starfall - Rains down Starfall projectiles in a wider area with more space between them.

Below 50% health gains the following attacks:

  • Chains of the Cosmos - Creates an inescapable barrier around herself and throws 4 Cosmic Chain (Nebuleus).pngCosmic Chains outwards. If the player is hit by the tip of a chain, they will be unable to move. Afterwards, Nebuleus will create a Starplane.gifStarplane and slam the player into it, dealing heavy damage.
  • Eyes of the Cosmos - Creates an inescapable barrier around herself, and summons 12 Cosmic Eye.pngCosmic Eyes below, to the sides and then above herself that fire Cosmic Ray.pngCosmic Rays shortly afterwards.
    • Below 25% health, after the Cosmis Eyes have fired, launched 3 rings of 8 larger Shooting Star2.pngShooting Stars, with the second ring being slightly slower than the rest.

Below 25% health gains the following attacks:

  • Crystal Stars - Rains down Crystal Star.pngCrystal Stars from the sky in a wider area that break into 5 Crystal Star Shard.pngShards.
  • Super Star Blast - Replaces Star Blast. Fires 3 rings of larger Shoting Stars. The first and thrid rings are faster and consist of 8 Shooting Stars, while the second one is slower and is comprised of 16 Stars.

Ultimate Form

Bad Route.png
Bad Route.png
This is bad route-exclusive content!
NebuleusUltimate Form
Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos (second form).gif
Nebuleus, Angel of the Cosmos Map Icon (second form).png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact)
210 / 253 / 378 (Contact during dash attacks)
140 / 168 / 253 (Shooting Star, Starfall, Crystal Star, Star Bolt, Piercing Nebula)
70 / 84 / 126 (Crystal Star Shard)
147 / 176 / 264 (Cosmic Ray)
178 / 214 / 321 (Giant Star)
231 / 277 / 415 (Starplane)
Elemental damageCelestial
Max Life600,000 / 720,000 / 1,080,000
Elemental multipliersPsychic 1.25x
Shadow 1.1x
Blood 1.1x
Nature 0.90x
Celestial 0.75x
KB Resist100%
Grants buffVigorous AuraVigorous Aura
Buff durationInfinite (when near)
Buff tooltipA strange aura is healing you...
Immune toPoisonedOn Fire!HellfireFrostburnFrostbiteCursed InfernoShadowflameAcid VenomDryad's BaneElectrifiedBleedingPure ChillDragonblazeMoonflareElectrified (Mod of Redemption)InfestedNecrotic GougeDirty Wound

"You've had thy chance at redemption, so don't blame me... When you die a thousand times!"

In her Ultimate Form, Nebuleus will attack more relentlessly and use enhanced versions of her previous form's attacks, while adding in a few new ones.

Nebuleus will grant the Vigorous Aura buff to all nearby players, ​which increases life regeneration by 5.


  • Star Blast I - Fires 4 rings of 8 Shooting Stars that spiral outwards.
  • Star Blast II - Continuously fires Shooting Stars in 4 rotating directions.
    • Below 50% health, gains increased fire rate.
  • Star Blast III - Creates an inescapable shrinking barrier around herself and fires 6 rings of Shooting Stars that alternate between spiralling outwards and inwards. The first two rings consist of 4 Stars and stay close to Nebuleus; the second pair of rings consists of 4 Stars and stays at a medium distance; the last two rings have 10 stars that fly further away.
  • Starfall - Rains a mass of Starfall projectiles angled towards the player's position.
  • Eyes of the Cosmos I - Creates an inescapable shrinking barrier around herself before summoning Cosmic Eyes in a clockwise pattern that fire Cosmic Rays. Additionally, during this attack Nebuleus will fire 2 spiralling rings of 8 Shooting Stars that stay close to her.
  • Eyes of the Cosmos II - Creates an inescapable shrinking barrier around herself before summoning 16 Cosmic Eyes that simultaneously fire Cosmic Rays. Afterwards, Nebuleus will fire 4 spiralling rings of 8 Shooting Stars.
  • Super Starfall - Rains down larger Starfall2.pngStarfall projectiles in a wider area with more space between them.
  • Erratic Star Blast - Fires a total of 11 curving Shooting Stars all around her with random velocities.
  • Crystal Stars - Rains down Crystal Stars from the sky in a wider area that break into 5 Shards.
  • Chains of the Cosmos - Creates a shrinking inescapable barrier around herself and throws 4 Cosmic Chains outwards. If the player is hit by the tip of a chain, they will be unable to move. Afterwards, Nebuleus will create a Starplane and slam the player into it, dealing heavy damage.
  • Star Dash - Performs 3 consecutive predictive dashes towards the player, with the first 3 ending in her emitting a Giant Star around herself. The speed of the dash increases the further the player is from Nebuleus. Additionally, the dashes will now leave Star Bolt.pngStar Bolts that accelerate and fly in the direction Nebuleus' dash.
  • Nebula Dash - Vanishes, before teleporting above/below the player and dashing vertically 4 times. After the last dash, Nebuleus will fire 3 Piercing Nebulas at the player in quick succession.
  • Piercing Nebula I - Quickly teleports around 3 times, firing a Piercing Nebula at the player after each teleport.
  • Piercing Nebula II - Fires a spread of 3 Piercing Nebulas, followed by a spread of 5, then a spread of 3.
  • Warp Dashes - Aligns vertically with the player and dashes twice at their position, firing perpendicular Star Bolts while doing so.
  • Shinig Aurora - Creates a shrinking inescapable barrier around herself and releases a prolonged spiral of Star Bolts. The spiral increases in density and speed as the attack goes on.
  • Circling Shine - Creates a shrinking inescapable barrier around herself and flies in an arc, teleporting 3 times and firing Star Bolts inwards.


  • At the start of the battle:
    Nebuleus says the following in sequence:

    • "Ah, you have brought me here yourself."
    • "Forgive my prying eyes, for I have been observing thee from afar." (​If the player has positive alignment)
      • "My eyes have loomed upon thee long enough, it is time to take action." (If the player has negative alignment)
    • "The daring hunt of all that threaten you brings a chill through my body."
    • "Thy presence is all-consuming within my thoughts, but I shan't run from this opportunity gifted to me."
    • "The chatter ends here. Prove to me your resolve, and I will show my own."
    • "If you lose to me, you may be spared from watchers far greater than I."

    If the player has died once to Nebuleus before and hasn't defeated her yet:

    • "You... are still alive?"
    • "You still want to fight?"

    Upon reaching 75% health for the first time:

    • "What purpose drives you? What is your goal?"

    Upon reaching 50% health for the first time:

    • "Do you even have a motive for your actions?"

    Upon reaching 25% health for the first time:

    • "Still fighting? Well I'm not done yet!"

    Upon defeat:
    Nebuleus says the following in sequence:

    • "I would appear to be fighting a hopeless battle..."
    • "Ever since this island suddenly appeared, I have been watching."
    • "I've seen you be slain countless times, however you never truly die."
    • "It seems most cannot or simply will not comprehend this."
    • "But I do."
    • "Time in the confines of this island seems to be dictated by powers unknown."
    • "And they are in thy favour."
    • "Alas, whatever the case may be, I no longer wish to fight you..."
    • "You hath proven thy resolve." (If the player has positive alignment)
      • "Not like I could do anything to stop you." (If the player has negative alignment)
    • "And I... hath failed once more." (If the player has positive alignment)
      • "I hope you find it in thine heart to stop thy rampage." (If the player has negative alignment)
    • "I will be leaving forthwith, but we can always spar again. Farewell." (If the player has positive alignment)
      • "If you don't wish to fight me now, I'll leave you be." (If the player has negative alignment)

    If the player has negative Alignment, and chooses to spare her:

    • "Thank you... At first I thought the concept of mercy was foreign to you."

    If the player has negative Alignment, and chooses to continue the fight:

    • "You still want to fight?"
    • "Of course it wouldn't be that easy..."
    • "You've had thy chance at redemption, so don't blame me..."
    • "... When you die a thousand times!"

    Upon transforming into her final form:
    Nebuleus says the following in sequence

    • "I still have this hope in my mind that you're mortal, so even if I can't figure out how to be rid of you..."
    • "... There are still many foes greater than I!"
    • "... Epidotra's Protector..."
    • "... The Royal Knight..."
    • "... and the Demigod of Light..."
    • "But enough talk, I'm your opponent!"

    Upon defeat in her final form:
    Nebuleus says the following in sequence the first time she is defeated:

    • "... That was all I had."
    • "And yet I still lost..."
    • "Fighting you and that traitor have confirmed my suspicions."
    • "I'm weak."
    • "I don't deserve being part of their group. I was only a burden."
    • "If the Demigod ever comes for you, don't let him know I'm still alive."
    • "I fear what he might think of me, and I don't want to face him."
    • "To think I'd die again so soon..."
    • "I really am pathetic."
  • Aftermath

    • The Fool gains a different set of dialogue and a different sprite, no longer has shop and happiness options and will leave shortly afterward.
    • If Ultimate Form has been defeated, the player's Alignment will be reduced by 6.


    • While Nebuleus or her Ultimate Form are alive, time will always be frozen at 12:00 AM.
    • Nebuleus and her Ultimate form take 1.5x damage from melee weapons.
    • If the player has defeated Nebuleus' Final Form and spawns her again, Nebuleus will be replaced by Nebuleus' Mirage. Albeit being a simple aesthetic change, Nebuleus' Mirage will not give quotes.


    • The idea for this boss was originally thought of by Kirill Greathly in the mod's homepage.
      • Kirill also originally named the boss “Corrupted Star God” until Hallam, the main developer of Mod of Redemption, remade the concept of the boss into what it currently is.


    Ultimate Form


      • Changed the Starplane's damage from 200 to 110% base damage.
      • The dialogue now uses the box style.
      • Tweaked some of her dialogue.
      • Now takes 1.5x damage from melee weapons instead of 2x.
      • Increased Ultimate Form’s base damage from 180 to 210.
      • Changed the dye shader used by the wings from Living Rainbow to Prismatic.
    • 0.8: Reworked.
    • Fixed the boss from becoming immortal in Normal Mode.
    • 0.7.5: Introduced.