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To display a short summary of what can be found in a biome.


  • Everything is optional
| name = optional: Table title. Default is page name.
| monsters = optional: characters (enemies and non-hostile critters)
| monsters2 = optional: 'characters' second column
| monsters3 = optional: 'characters' third column
| treasures = optional: loot from chests 
| treasures2 = optional: 'treasures' second column
| treasures3 = optional: 'treasures' third column
| drop = optional: drops from enemies, terrain blocks, vegetation
| drop2 = optional: 'drop' second column
| drop3 = optional: 'drop' third column
| sold = optional: items sold by friendly NPCs
| sold2 = optional: 'sold' second column
| sold3 = optional: 'sold' third column