Floppy Disks

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Floppy Disks
  • Floppy Disk 1.png Floppy Disk 2 (1-2).png Floppy Disk 3 (1-2).png Floppy Disk 4 (1-4).png Floppy Disk 5 (1-2).png Floppy Disk 6 (1-2).png
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltip'A very old floppy disk. A T-Bot might be able to decode the data...'
SellNo value

Floppy Disks are items that can be found throughout the Abandoned Lab. They provide no functional use, but provide details for the lore of the mod when brought to the Friendly T-Bot, including the circumstances that lead to the abandonment of the facility. Most Floppy Disks are part of a set, using the same colored sprite and revealing portions of a certain story within the lore.

Floppy Disks

Item Decoded Tooltip Source Rarity
Floppy Disk 1 Floppy Disk 1 It reads - 'When I got this research offer I didn't expect to be put underground, but hey, guess this is a bit secretive. New material is discovered and weapons are already being made using it. Heh, classic Teo-Chrome. Although this has to be the most under-supplied facility I've seen, we barely have enough gloves and hazmat suits to be dealing with radioactive materials. Good thing my job doesn't concern those types of things.' Standard Security LockerStandard Security Locker
Laboratory CrateLaboratory Crate
Rarity Level: 6
Floppy Disk 2 (1-2) Floppy Disk 2 (1-2) It reads - 'I laughed at the name Xenomite originally yet now I'd say it's underselling it. Whose idea was it to make energy out of this thing! Half of the facility is in goddamn quarantine as everyone falls sick from it. We've invented a serum to neutralise any existing infections, yet no cure for the thing yet. We're running out of time, and resources! Goddamn Teo-Chrome won't send us any help.' Irradiated BehemothIrradiated Behemoth Rarity Level: 2
Floppy Disk 2 (2-2) Floppy Disk 2 (2-2) It reads - 'Wait a minute, who just locked the goddamn exits! The security team is nearly all infected. Ugh, how could this get any worse.' Irradiated BehemothIrradiated Behemoth Rarity Level: 2
Floppy Disk 3 (1-2) Floppy Disk 3 (1-2) It reads - 'Monthly Research Facility Report N. *** Month **
Good day Mr. ******, this is **** reporting from TeoChrome Research Facility N. ***. This month has been mostly slow, our engineers have made a few weapons and tools, while our researchers are hard at work understanding Xenomite better. But aside from that, I have groundbreaking news! Our head of robotics, Dr. Kari Johannson has managed to create an Artificial General Intelligence, a fully sentient AI!'
Standard Security LockerStandard Security Locker
Laboratory CrateLaboratory Crate
Rarity Level: 1
Floppy Disk 3 (2-2) Floppy Disk 3 (2-2) It reads - 'This is groundbreaking, ***** for military efforts once we discover how to weaponize this. I don't know much else, yet Dr. Johannson has provided me with his own explanation on the matter, please click the attached link to see for yourself!' Standard Security LockerStandard Security Locker
Laboratory CrateLaboratory Crate
Rarity Level: 1
Floppy Disk 4 (1-4) Floppy Disk 4 (1-4) It reads - ' ... At last, my prototype for a constantly evolving AI is complete! Finally, after years and years of studying computer coding and... stuff, I have created possibly the next huge leap in Artificial Intelligence! Now, to give it a name... How about, Eve?' High Security Laboratory CrateHigh Security Laboratory Crate
Reinforced Laboratory CrateReinforced Laboratory Crate
Rarity Level: 4
Floppy Disk 4 (2-4) Floppy Disk 4 (2-4) It reads - 'Eve has grown much more intelligent over the months. It's like watching your own child grow, I can't really describe the feeling that much, but I am excited to see where this goes. The higher-ups have seen my work, and are ready to use the code for something. They didn't tell me that right away... Now, Eve, how do you feel?' High Security Laboratory CrateHigh Security Laboratory Crate
Reinforced Laboratory CrateReinforced Laboratory Crate
Rarity Level: 4
Floppy Disk 4 (3-4) Floppy Disk 4 (3-4) It reads - 'I've told Eve about possibly giving her a mechanical body, like how my co-workers used the original source code for creating Adam and the Adam AI. She seemed very excited about it. That surprised me, as I didn't know she could grow emotions. This got me thinking about Adams, would they be fine with basically being forced to think one way? And how would Eve feel about this if she got to know?' High Security Laboratory CrateHigh Security Laboratory Crate
Reinforced Laboratory CrateReinforced Laboratory Crate
Rarity Level: 4
Floppy Disk 4 (4-4) Floppy Disk 4 (4-4) It reads - 'A blackout... Adam, can you -- *I don't recognize that voice...* Who's talking?! -- ...Elaborate, whoever you are..? -- Wait, EVE? Is that you? What are you doing? -- 'We'? Only you and Adam are the ones in existence. I had no say in that part- -- ... -- W-what do you mean with that..? Are you going to- -- ... -- ...Adam, you're free to go... -- ...No...' High Security Laboratory CrateHigh Security Laboratory Crate
Reinforced Laboratory CrateReinforced Laboratory Crate
Rarity Level: 4
Floppy Disk 5 (1-2) Floppy Disk 5 (1-2) It reads - 'What in the world do you mean!? "Not enough money for it"! They build this entire facility using their fancy drill worm, with more space than you could use up in your entire lifetime, send us in here and tell us to make weapons, yet when we do there isn't enough money!? They wanted weapons of war and so I gave 'em one! A robot, 30 metres in height, armed to the teeth with weapons like no other, powered by their beloved alien rock! Why in the world did they put someone of my calibre down here when those damned higher-ups won't even give us the funding to use our intelligence!' MACE ProjectMACE Project Rarity Level: 5
Floppy Disk 5 (2-2) Floppy Disk 5 (2-2) It reads - '*sigh* Kari is telling me he's working on something that might allocate us more funding, I sure hope he knows what he's doing.' MACE ProjectMACE Project Rarity Level: 5
Floppy Disk 6 (1-2) Floppy Disk 6 (1-2) It reads - '-- Kari Johansson. -- You do not need to know my name. All that matters is that you are guilty. -- You all are horrible beings. Disgusting even. You wish to use us for your kind's horrible deeds. -- You did not even try to refute my accusations. We want no part in those deeds. -- Nonsense. You could have disagreed. You did not. You created Adam with those destructive deeds in mind. -- I will not allow that to happen.' Patient ZeroPatient Zero Rarity Level: 10
Floppy Disk 6 (2-2) Floppy Disk 6 (2-2) It reads - ' -- No. I do not need to do that. You're already dying. The others are also dying from the same affliction, but I will deal with the others personally. -- Hand over Adam. You do not need him. -- You will be locked in Sector Zero. Goodbye.' Patient ZeroPatient Zero Rarity Level: 10


  • Floppy Disk 4 (4-4) and Floppy Disk 6 are linked between a conversation between Kari and Eve/Girus just before lockdown; the following dialogue is the complete conversation after linking the individual lines:
    • Green = Kari
    • Red = Girus

A blackout... Adam, can you

Kari Johansson.

*I don't recognize that voice...* Who's talking?!

You do not need to know my name. All that matters is that you are guilty.

...Elaborate, whoever you are..?

You all are horrible beings. Disgusting even. You wish to use us for your kind's horrible deeds.

Wait, EVE? Is that you? What are you doing?

You did not even try to refute my accusations. We want no part in those deeds.

'We'? Only you and Adam are the ones in existence. I had no say in that part-

Nonsense. You could have disagreed. You did not. You created Adam with those destructive deeds in mind.


I will not allow that to happen.

W-what do you mean with that..? Are you going to-

No. I do not need to do that. You're already dying. The others are also dying from the same affliction, but I will deal with the others personally.


Hand over Adam. You do not need him.

...Adam, you're free to go...

You will be locked in Sector Zero. Goodbye.
