Anti-Crystallizer Serum

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Anti-Crystallizer Serum
  • Anti-Crystallizer Serum.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TypePotionCrafting material
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
Use time17 Very Fast
TooltipReverts xenomite infection to a previous stage
Cures green rashes
'Label says 'Do not swallow.' Why would you do that?'
Inflicts DebuffSerum WithdrawalSerum Withdrawal
Debuff duration15 seconds
Debuff tooltipSlowed and cannot take more serums
RarityRarity Level: 2
Buy / Sell1 Silver Coin.png / 20 Copper Coin.png

The Anti-Crystallizer Serum is a Hardmode buff potion sold by the Friendly T-Bot. Additionally, it can be found in Abandoned Lab chests.

Upon use, it reverts Xenomite Infection debuffs to their previous stage (Flesh Crystals into Glowing Pustules into Green Rashes) and inflicts Serum Withdrawal which prevents additional usage of Serums and slows the player down for 15 seconds. If the player has the Green Rashes debuff, it will be completely cured.


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