Tiny Cleaver

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Tiny Cleaver
  • Tiny Cleaver.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage120 Melee
Knockback6 (Average)
Elemental BonusSlash
Critical chance4%
Use time12 Very Fast
TooltipSwings causes the blade segments to detach, increasing range
RarityRarity Level: 8
Sell1 Gold Coin.png

Tiny Cleaver is a Hardmode sword. It has a unqiue swing animation, swinging up and down two times, extending itself with each swing, before firing towards the cursor in a manner akin to a flail.

Its best modifier is Godly.




  • Despite technically being a sword, the Tiny Cleaver's final swing bears heavy mechanical semblance to flails such as the Solar Eruption.
  • Like many weapons with unique swing combos, spam-clicking will repeat only the first swing of the Tiny Cleaver. As such, it is recommended players hold down the use button when using this weapon.