Old Spirit Lady

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Old Spirit Lady
Old Spirit Lady.png
EnvironmentIce biome
Max Life250
KB Resist100%
Immune toAll debuffs
Old Spirit Lady's Corpse.png
Old Spirit Lady's Corpse

The Old Spirit Lady is a friendly NPC found by using the Dead Ringer on the soulful corpse in the Old Lady's Tomb.

While the Spirit Walker ability is active, the player may request Crux Card: Crumbling Automatons from the Old Spirit Lady, which will require an offering of 6 Diamonds.


    • "Oooh..."

    When the player clicks "About you?":

    • "Me? Unsure. I was from a place. My recollection fails me... It was cold, too cold for my liking. I split myself, and dug. Dug for our new kingdom."

    When the player clicks "New kingdom?":

    • "A new kingdom in snowy mountains, the old perished. We left, found ourselves here. The natives called it Nirin. They helped us, we helped them. Together we recreated our technology, we taught them our wisdom. All was well."

    When the player clicks "Your corpse?":

    • "Mine? Yes, and no. I am part of a piece, infused within the inanimate to become animate. Automatons we are. Powered by the permanent soul. My true spirit lies elsewhere, I alone am too frail. I wish to become whole again."

    When the player clicks "Nirin?":

    • "Arctic Realm, it is known by. Frigid and open, a harsh change from our old home. It was warm and enclosed, as snug as sitting by a fireplace on a cold night. How I wish we stayed. How I wish the disaster never happened... How did I get here?"

    When the player clicks "Disaster?":

    • "Oooooh..."

    When the player clicks "Request Crux":

    • "Only if you may, bring me six gemstones of the purest shine, and lay them around my remains. Six are the hands of an angel. Their arms hold us so..."

    When the player clicks "Offer 6 Diamonds" (must have 6 Diamonds in the inventory):

    • "Take it. My blessings to you. Whoever you are." (If the player has an Empty Crux Card)
    • "I would require an object to imbue for that." (If the player doesn't have an Empty Crux Card)
    • "I'm unable to give you what you seek beyond my realm." (If the player is not in the Spirit Realm)
  • History

    • Introduced.