Spirit Assassin

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Spirit Assassin
Spirit Assassin.gif
Max Life250
KB Resist100%
Immune toAll debuffs
Spirit Assassin's Corpse.png
Spirit Assassin's Corpse

The Spirit Assassin is a friendly NPC found by using the Dead Ringer on the soulful corpse in the Assassin's Tomb.

While the Spirit Walker ability is active, the player may request Crux Card: Gank Squad from the Spirit Assassin, which will require an offering of 3 Nightshades.


    • "Gorhal'on! Mur ye bagaiha ta? Mudarok abo." (Before the player clicks "What?")
    • "Anything I can assist you with? I may not be able to interact with you, but I can make for some conversation." (After the player clicks "What?")

    When the player clicks "What?":

    • "Hm? Ah, you must not know our language. Should've figured, this island has had nothing but Anglic speakers from what I've witnessed. You're lucky us spirits know all tongues, for we roam to hear and learn for eternity. What do you want?"

    When the player clicks "About you?":

    • "Ta? I was once a resident of Gothrione - Gathuram's capital. I'm assuming you may know it better as the "Iron Realm"? I worked as an assassin there with a tight-knit group. We were some of the best; at least, that's what I told myself. In this realm of recollection I can only look back in light humour for how foolish my living-self was."

    When the player clicks "Gathuram?":

    • "I would have it guessed you've been on this island and only this island, hm? Gathuram is one of the six primary domains of the mainland - possibly the largest, too. In terms of landmass, anyway. I've seldom been beyond the outer fields of Gothrione in my time of living, neither have I in my time of unliving, so I cannot speak to you of it in detail."

    When the player clicks "Gothione?":

    • "Gothione is the capital of the domain. It was quite the bustling city, however I cannot speak well of its ruler. Stubborn and snarky he was, in fact it was our mission to assassinate him. That was the last mission of our lives... As timing would have it, an invasion began on the day - it was horrific. In our last moments, we were gawking with heads bend up into the sky at a great demon terror."

    When the player clicks "Demon?":

    • "Hm, a subject I have no desire to sink into. It's name I shall not utter, just know it was the vastest being of trepidation we had ever seen. It was the reason I never returned there as a spirit - I dreaded the sight of it or the aftermath of its destruction. Now let us speak of it no more."

    When the player clicks "Request Crux":

    • "I shall, if only you give unto my remains three flowers of the night. One for each of my band to fall to that vile demon."

    When the player clicks "Offer 3 Nightsahdes" (must have 3 Nightshades in the inventory):

    • "Hm, yes I can give you it. Within me lies the spirit of assassins, take it and may it give you a chance in this harsh world." (If the player has an Empty Crux Card)
    • "I'll need something to imbue, if you please." (If the player doesn't have an Empty Crux Card)
    • "You must be at least partly within the Spirit Realm for me to give you what you ask." (If the player is not in the Spirit Realm)
  • Trivia

    • The Spirit Assassin's opening dialogue ("Gorhal'on! Mur ye bagaiha ta? Mudarok abo.") is in the Gathic language, and translates to:
      • "(Word of great surprise)! (Word to make this sentence a question) you summoned me? (ba- past tense) Do tell your reason. (Mu- Possession of you. Starts with 'your reason' and ends with 'tell')"


    • Introduced.