Spirit Stranger

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Spirit Stranger
Spirit Stranger.gif
EnvironmentUnderground Portal
Max Life250
KB Resist100%
Immune toAll debuffs
Spirit Stranger's Corpse.png
Spirit Stranger's Corpse

The Spirit Stranger is a friendly NPC found by using the Dead Ringer on the soulful corpse near the Underground Portal. Dead Ringing the corpse for the first time will grant the player the Spirit Walker ability, and any subsequent uses of Dead Ringer will summon the Spirit Stranger.

While the Spirit Walker ability is active, the player may request 2 different Crux Cards from the Spirit Stranger if they have an Empty Crux Card in the inventory. The first Crux Card, Bone Duo, can be obtained without any additional requirements. The second one, Crux Card: Asher, requires the player to have the Old Tophat.

If the player spares Calavia, they can talk to the Spirit Stranger in order to unlock a new dialogue option for Calavia about her captive spirit. After confronting Calavia, a short cutscene will play, after which the player may request Crux Card: Kyretha from her.


    • "Great! You figured out how ta' call me! I hope ya take fancy to ma' gift. I'm err, let's just say a spiritual enthusiast. Ask me anythin'!"

    If the player has the Old Tophat in their inventory:

    • "Ey, that old tophat ya got has something spiritual 'bout it, peak into the Spirit Realm for a bit so I can get a closer look."
    If the player is wearing the Old Tophat:
    • "Ey, that old tophat ya got has something spiritual 'bout it, Take it off an' peak into the Spirit Realm for a bit so I can get a closer look."

    When the player clicks "Spirit Walking?":

    • "The ability given to ya gives you a peak into the Spirit Realm - A realm parallel to our own. Normally, neither realm can see nor interact with each other. You'll be able to hurt spirits with any method or find corpses to use that bell thing-a-ma-jig on while peakin'. Such as mine! Another thing, we spirits can gift to you our "crux" if ya have somethin' to imbue it in - just request it while spirit walkin'."

    When the player clicks "Dead Ringer?":

    • "A nifty artifact of Gathuram, that is. Usin' it on corpses will force their spirit back to their location while tuggin' them outta the Spirit Realm a tad, which is why you can see me now even if you stopped spirit walkin' despite me being a full-fledged spirit - not one of those Vagrants or Lost Souls."

    When the player clicks "Lost Souls & Vagrants?":

    • "When folk die, their soul leaves their body to find anotha'. During this pilgrimage, they're still connected to the physical world, meanin' some with the arcane eye may see 'em. If a lost soul wanders too long, they can seep outta the spirit realm and become Vagrant Spirits - poor things forever lost."

    When the player clicks "Other uses for Dead Ringer?":

    • "I couldn't tell ya where to find corpses to use it on, but I can recommend findin' spirit currents. They're only visible in my realm, and can take ya closer to a soulful corpse if ya travel through one. You'll only find 'em in caverns, as that'll be where our energy is most contained. If ya do find what you're lookin' for, be wary. Tombs of the mighty are seldom left unguarded."
    • "I once met anotha' spirit in a mind-bogglin' location! It felt outta this world. The walls were white, pipes with green fluids hung from ceilings, strange blue lights emitted from metal boxes an' tubes... And the spirit I saw was most intriguing! He just kept repeatin' about alarms, and wore a strange white an' blue suit. Very odd."

    When the player clicks "About you?":

    • "I've been a spirit so long that I forgot my own name, yet I still remember most other things 'bout me. Strange that. I'm from Gathuram, the portal behind me leads to the Catacombs of Gathuram, and is how the undead and skeleton folk came here. Doesn't seem like you can enter it though."

    When the player clicks "Request Crux":

    • "Bravo! I 'ave infused ya card with the spirits of two skeletons, use some souls to summon 'em! They'll assist ya in battle, or make nice company if ya feelin' lonely. They do 'ave a mind of their own, so if they scurry off somewhere, use the card to tug their souls back! Keep in mind, other spirits may wish for somethin' in return for these." (If the player has an Empry Crux Card)
    • "Ya don't have anythin' I can imbue. If you want help findin' somethin', I'll say to look for those gathic tombs scattered aroun' the caverns. Ya might find somethin' in there." (If the player doesn't have an Empry Crux Card)
    • "I see, I see. Within this tophat lies an odd spirit. I don't believe I've ever met it before, but they appear ta be quite powerful." (If the player has an Empry Crux Card and the Old Tophat)
    • "There's somethin' in that hat I can use to imbue into something, however, ya don't have anythin' for me to imbue." (If the player doesn't have an Empry Crux Card, but has the Old Tophat)
    • "Sorry! Can't give ya anything while you're completely in the physical realm. Peak in and I'll give it to ya!" (If the player is not in the Spirit Realm)

    If Calavia is present and the player doesn't have Crux Card: Kyretha:

    • "'Ey, ya see that lass over yonder? There be somethin' soulful she carries, I can sense it. Would you, out of the goodness of yer heart, confront her about it for me? Don't want to assume nothin', but she might be keepin' a spirit captive."

    Cutscene with Calavia:
    Stranger: "Oi!"
    Stranger: "I wouldn't take that spirit back to Arum if I were ya."
    Calavia: "And why would that be?"
    Stranger: "Forgive my bluntness, but the barons of Arum are nothing but rancorous demons."
    Calavia: "Excuse me? I haven't seen a single droplet of malice from them, and I've been workin' with them for years!"
    Stranger: "As have I... in a more direct sense. Just trust me lassie, break free Kyretha's spirit. Let her truly rest."
    Stranger: "To doubt the wisdom of a liberated spirit would be most imprudent."
    Calavia: "... Gorhal'on. Taborti. I'll free it after I go through the portal."
    Stranger: "Is that a promise?"
    Calavia: "Bi'oruen."
    Stranger: "Very well."

    After the cutscene with Calavia and if the player doesn't have Crux Card: Kyretha:

    • "I can sense gratitude within Kyretha's spirit for confrontin' the lass and ultimately leading 'er to a path of freedom. I have a feelin' she'd be willin' to offer you something in return?"
  • History

    • Will now talk about Calavia's captive spirit if she's present.
      • Can now grant Crux Card: Bone Duo and Crux Card: Asher.
      • Changed some of the dialogue lines.
    • Introduced.