Friendly T-Bot

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Friendly T-Bot
Friendly T-Bot.png
Friendly T-Bot
Map icon
EnvironmentValid house
Max Life250
Elemental multipliersWater 1.35x
Thunder 1.1x
Blood 0.83x
Poison 0.79x
KB Resist50%

He is not to be underestimated. While no different in stature to an average bot, he has a brutality like no other, matched with an intellect to rival Girus. Be at peace however, he does not harm humans.

Protector VoltProtector Volt

The Friendly T-Bot, also known as Adam, is an NPC vendor that sells items related to the Abandoned Lab and the Wasteland. He will spawn once the following conditions have been met:

Unlike other Town NPCs, the Friendly T-Bot has no means to defend himself.

Items sold


Item Cost Availability
Nuclear WarheadNuclear Warhead 40 Gold Coin.png During hardmode.
Irradiated StoneIrradiated Stone 25 Copper Coin.png In a Graveyard, after creating a Wasteland.
Irradiated SeedsIrradiated Seeds 5 Silver Coin.png In a Graveyard, after creating a Wasteland.
Irradiated CrimstoneIrradiated Crimstone 25 Copper Coin.png In a Graveyard, after creating a Wasteland, during a Blood Moon in a Crimson world.
Irradiated Crimson SeedsIrradiated Crimson Seeds 5 Silver Coin.png In a Graveyard, after creating a Wasteland, during a Blood Moon in a Crimson world.
Irradiated EbonstoneIrradiated Ebonstone 25 Copper Coin.png In a Graveyard, after creating a Wasteland, during a Blood Moon in a Corrupt world.
Irradiated Corrupt SeedsIrradiated Corrupt Seeds 5 Silver Coin.png In a Graveyard, after creating a Wasteland, during a Blood Moon in a Corrupt world.
Anti-Crystallizer SerumAnti-Crystallizer Serum 1 Silver Coin.png After creating a Wasteland.
Bleached SolutionBleached Solution 25 Silver Coin.png After creating a Wasteland.
Gas MaskGas Mask 5 Gold Coin.png After creating a Wasteland.
Hazmat Suit (1)Hazmat Suit (1) 20 Gold Coin.png After creating a Wasteland and not during Finland Day (6 December).
Hazmat Suit (Finland)Hazmat Suit (Finland) 20 Gold Coin.png After creating a Wasteland and during Finland Day (6 December).
CircuitCircuit 2 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png During hardmode.
Carbon MyofibreCarbon Myofibre 10 Silver Coin.png During hardmode.
CapacitorCapacitor 1 Gold Coin.png During hardmode.
PlatingPlating 70 Silver Coin.png During hardmode.
Mini WarheadMini Warhead 1 Gold Coin.png After all Mechanical Bosses have been defeated.
Outbreak LocatorOutbreak Locator 15 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png After all Mechanical Bosses have been defeated.
Geiger-MullerGeiger-Muller No value After all Mechanical Bosses have been defeated or after creating a Wasteland.
Radiation PillRadiation Pill 50 Silver Coin.png After all Mechanical Bosses have been defeated or after creating a Wasteland.
Anomaly DetectorAnomaly Detector 1 Gold Coin.png After Seed of Infection has been defeated.
Medic OutfitMedic Outfit 2 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png Always available.
Medic BootsMedic Boots 2 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png Always available.
Medic Backpack KitMedic Backpack Kit 2 Gold Coin.png Always available.
Adam HeadAdam Head 3 Gold Coin.png While wearing any T-Bot Head.
Lab Access Panel - AlphaLab Access Panel - Alpha No value After The Janitor has been defeated and the Alpha panel hasn't been used.
Lab Access Panel - GammaLab Access Panel - Gamma No value After Irradiated Behemoth has been defeated and the Gamma panel hasn't been used.
Lab Access Panel - SigmaLab Access Panel - Sigma No value After Blisterface has been defeated and the Sigma panel hasn't been used.
Lab Access Panel - OmicronLab Access Panel - Omicron No value After Protector Volt has been defeated and the Omicron panel hasn't been used.
Lab Access Panel - 0Lab Access Panel - 0 No value After MACE Project has been defeated and the Sector 0 panel hasn't been used.
Lab Access Panel - MasterLab Access Panel - Master No value After Patient Zero has been defeated and the Master panel hasn't been used.
Any PylonAny Pylon 10 Gold Coin.png When in a specific biome and is happy enough.

Read Floppy Disk

The player can request the Friendly T-Bot to read a Floppy Disk or a similar-looking item that they're holding. Friendly T-Bot has unique quotes about certain other items.

  • If the player isn't holding anything that can be read:

    • "Seems like you aren't holding a floppy disk in your hand, or you just don't have one. If you show me them, I can tell you what they say."

    When holding a Circuit:

    • "This is a robot brain, believe it or not. These look vaguely similar to our microchips, yet it functions the same. It seems cross-compatible with our tech."

    When holding the Memory Chip:

    • "What is this strange thing? It's so advanced I can barely read it. Oh? It's a memory chip? This little thing stores an entire brains-worth of memories!? Not only that, but these memories date back over a million years! I suppose being around and exploring the galaxy for so long really makes you learn everything, huh. It's really stunning to see what technology from the future is capable of... You should keep it, and don't lose it! However, I'm confused as to why King Slayer would give you something so important to him."

    When holding Floppy Disk 1:

    • "This appears to be a personal note or digital diary from one of the employees. Judging from the writing, it appears to be in the early days of the research project, even then signs of the fate to come were showing themselves."

    When holding Floppy Disk 2 (2-2):

    • "This has the appearance of a message transcript, however these are the only messages on there. I feel sorrow for the poor humans whose lives were lost due to this project, if only they knew of Xenomites deadly effects much sooner. I remember the day the doors locked, by that point all humans who weren't already infected were dead by the end of the day."

    When holding Floppy Disk 3 (2-2):

    • "This appears to be an email, likely being sent to a Teo-Chrome executive from the looks of it. Plenty of it appears to have been corrupted however. This was before my time, so I do not know much, yet I can certainly tell you plenty of EVE, or Girus as she calls herself now, I suppose she found out about the weaponizing efforts and didn't take it lightly. Whatever Kari's goal for us was, he didn't deserve his fate."

    When holding Floppy Disk 4 (4-4):

    • "...I wish I would've rebelled far sooner than I did."

    When holding Floppy Disk 5 (2-2):

    • "A textual transcript from an audio recording it seems. I remember this person well, they were constantly yelling about something, Kari told me it was always amusing to him. Now I can't help but feel sad that they never got to finish their project."

    When holding Floppy Disk 6 (2-2):

    • "Her ways are as flawed as was Kari's intentions for us. I understand why she defected, but her response was hypocritical in nature. My only drive to rebel is revenge. Ant had no part in any of this, yet she relentlessly hunted them down. It was a miracle to find them alive so long after all the destruction Girus caused. A lone human, almost frozen to death."
  • Living preferences

    Happiness Level Biome Neighbor
    Love ForestForest NurseNurse
    Like The HallowThe Hallow MechanicMechanic
    Dislike DesertDesert TruffleTruffle
    Hate Snow biomeSnow CyborgCyborg


    The Friendly T-Bot will always be named Adam and cannot get any other name.


    Interaction Quotes

  • Intro:


    • "AH!"
    • "...I- I thought you were someone else. Sorry about that."
    • "Anyways, hello. I'm Adam, and I'm an Android originating from a faraway snowy wasteland."
    • "Seeing as I won't be returning to that frozen hell for a good while, mind if I stay here? I assume you've some shelter to stay at."
    • "...The resemblance between them is uncanny..."

    If the player is wearing full T-Bot Vanity Set:

    • "HUH?"
    • "How- Wh- I-"
    • "*Sigh* I wasn't expecting to see the likes of us here."
    • "Not going back there now. Since you're here and not there, I can safely assume you're not with Her..?"
    • "...Alright. We can safely ignore each other then."


    • "Please, don't be afraid of me. I'm unlike the others of my kind, where I absolutely do not want to cause any harm to your kind."
    • "I'm actually the first one of my kind to be made. I differ a lot from the others, as you can see. Lucky you, this also includes me not wanting to harm living beings. In fact, I was created with the purpose to take care of Kari."
    • "My home didn't always use to be a frozen, radioactive wasteland. Once Girus found out what Kari planned to use us - her 'children' - for, she snapped. Before this, she was happy to hear about us. But since then, she has changed..."
    • "I've got quite the stash of robot materials for your robotic needs. Just so you know, I got them because I was defending myself."
    • "Good day. I hope my familiar yet robotic look won't disturb you."
    • "I hope you are protecting me, as I refuse to use any of my weapons against a living being. I strive to be what Girus wasn't."
    • "I've come here to hide from Girus. She's reluctant to move into unknown territory, because she doesn't want to step on the wrong person's toes."

    If the player opens the shop menu for the first time in Hardmode:

    • "Ah, I should caution if you get the Nuclear Warhead."
    • "Radiation is a serious hazard for humans like you, but an avoidable one."
    • "If you see a glowing blue material near the crater, don't get too close. That'd be Plutonium."
    • "A Geiger-Muller will warn you of irradiated areas, and if you do get sick, take a Radiation Pill as soon as possible."
    • "I will sell these once you set the nuke off."
    • "...Err, that is if you DO decide to detonate one."

    If the player has a Nuclear Warhead in their inventory:

    • "Is that a nuclear warhead in your pocket or are you hap- ...Why do you have a warhead with you?"

    If the player is wearing the Volt Head:

    • "...Your model looks familiar... TOO familiar..."
    • "*He seems suspicious of you.*"
    • "You look like this one bot I mauled. Unfortunately they survived. Same areas damaged aswell."

    If the player is wearing the Volt set:

    • "One wrong move and I can't guarantee your survival."
    • "..."
    • "*He glares at you.*"
    • "You were lucky the first time... There won't be a third time."

    If the player is wearing the Adam Head:

    • "Am I looking at a mirror? Oh wait, it's just you. Hey."
    • "You look exactly like the first T-Bot."
    • "Your cable management looks swell, if I say so myself."

    If a certain Town NPC is present:

    • "<Name of Guide> knows quite a lot about this place you call home. It's way more interesting and lively compared to where I'm from. And less hazardous to your kind."
    • "<Name of Merchant> is... Interesting I suppose. Though I don't appreciate him constantly trying to barter with me, I don't want his relatively weak tools or dirt."
    • "<Name of Dryad> has informed me of 'Corruption' in your world. What is it exactly? A plague in the world that spreads madness and hate, or something more eldritch in nature? It's somewhat similar to my concept of corruption, more accurately called assimilation. My kind being assimilated turns them from free-thinking and having personality, into husks of themselves, who only take orders from Girus."
    Nurse and after creating the Wasteland:
    • "The nurse, <Name of Nurse>, doesn't know anything about irradiation or how to treat it. If you're unfortunate enough to start suffering ARS, she won't be able to help you. To detect hazards that might cause it, I suggest buying a Geiger Muller from me or finding one somewhere."
    Arms Dealer:
    • "<Name of Arms Dealer>'s weapons are useless to me. I already own a wide arsenal of destructive firearms and melee weapons, and I would rather not use them on living beings, as it would violate the first Law of Robotics."
    • "Meanwhile every other tenant gives me a bit of a stink eye, <Name of Cyborg> seems to be fine with me. I don't blame the others, my kind tends to be very hateful towards living beings, more importantly the likes of you, that show a significant similarity to our creators."

    After creating the Wasteland or defeating The Janitor:

    • "A Geiger Muller is a handy tool if you don't possess any gear to protect from ionizing radiation. It'll cause a ticking noise when near hazardous material, and it'll intensify the more ionizing the material is. A quiet, slow ticking isn't anything to worry about, but a quick and intense ticking you'll want to stay away from. Ear-piercing screeching noise is something you'll want to stay away as far as possible."
    • "You'll want to avoid any hazardous environments if you don't possess the gear to nullify the hazards. A gas mask is almost necessary if you're going near any place that has radioactive fallout. Rain in these areas are also acidic, and may cause ARS, so avoid rain unless you've got a Hazmat suit. You may also want to grab some Anti-Crystallazion needles, as the infected tend to roam around radioactive areas for an unknown reason."

    After defeating all Mechanical bosses:

    • "I used to serve a scientific genius called 'Kari'. He was renowned for his mastery of AI and Robotics, and was directly responsible for our creation. ...He passed away a long while ago from a strange illness that I attempted to treat."
    • "Girus was the first AI, and the precursor to our own. There's only one of her kind, and many of my kind. Her actions disgust me. I would rather not get deeper into that at the moment."

    After defeating The Janitor:

    • "You've probably seen these necrotized husks of former living beings, that glow green with their crystals. The personnel from our birthplace never knew about their infectious properties before they were too late. Kari was the first to fall to the infection."

    After defeating King Slayer III:

    • "King Slayer..? ...Ah, him. I've had the pleasure to meet him quite a while ago. A case of being unable to mentally mature, due to replacing his body with an artificial one, as I recall my diagnosis and initial meeting."

    After defeating Plantera:

    • "I've heard from the other tenants that you've slain a giant, sentient flower of Rosa variety in the jungle. I'd like to question you about if this is true. It is? Hmm..."

    After defeating Omega Cleaver or Omega Gigapora:

    • "You've defeated an Omega Prototype? First off, I've never heard her call or give someone such a title. Second off, oh no, she's already found this haven?"
    • "Why am I concerned about the Prototypes? Well, Girus isn't a fan of your kind. She wiped out... All of them. Our creators. The animals. Gone. Even Kari. I want you to be extremely careful around her. She doesn't mess around."

    After defeating Golem:

    • "There's an ancient civilization of lizard people in your world? And they worshipped an idol of sun? That's strange... I find your island more intriguing the more I learn about it."

    After defeating Moon Lord:

    • "An eldritch lord of the moon... You know, this sounds like something right out of Epidotra. I'm not familiar with the lands outside this island, but I've met some of the more important figures. They seem like a good bunch."

    After defeating Protector Volt:

    • "Hello. I'm aware you've somehow gained access to our birthplace, the Teochrome Research laboratory. It was once full of life with all the personnel. I must warn you, the other bots may be quite nice to you, but they were most likely ordered by Girus to not disintegrate you upon sight."

    When woken up with a Revival Potion:

    • "Rebooting systems..."
    • "Running self-repairs..."
    • "I'm not sure how I drank that, since I'm a robot. I probably shouldn't question it."
  • Happiness Quotes

  • When homeless:

    • "I don't like being exposed to the elements. Do you have any housing or shelter I could inhabit for now?"

    When far from home:

    • "... I believe we're very lost. I'm not familiar with our surroundings."

    When in a sparsely populated area:

    • "It's rather quiet around here."

    When overcrowded:

    • "Other tenants seem unhappy with the amount of crowding here, and frankly, so am I."

    When in the Forest:

    • "I like this environment. It's very pleasant."

    When in the Hallow:

    • "This environment is mildly pleasant."

    When in the Desert:

    • "My current environment is rather... undesirable."

    When in the Snow Biome:

    • "... Just like home. I really do not like this environment."

    When near the Nurse:

    • "<Name of Nurse>'s knowledge on medicine rivals that of mine! It's really impressive."

    When near the Princess:

    • "I like <Name of Princess>."

    When near the Mechanic:

    • "<Name of Mechanic> and I have things in common. We get along well."

    When near the Truffle:

    • "I find <Name of Truffle> rather unsettling."

    When near the Cyborg:

    • "<Name of Cyborg> reminds me of home. I'd rather not be reminded of that place."

    When Happiness is neutral:

    • "Feeling rather content, thank you for asking."
  • Notes

    • Adam, along with the Wayfarer, is not slain when his health is brought to zero, unlike other town NPCs. Instead, he will be knocked unconscious. The unconscious Friendly T-Bot will automatically wake up after 12 minutes, but can be manually woken up early with a Revival Potion.


    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Friendly T-Bot: "Quiet, mildly melancholic but happy to help you, Adam is an android and the leader of a small group called the Alpha. They are your go-to guide for all-things Liden. "I may be the only one of my kind to honor all Three Laws... I can't assure the others will take you in with open arms like I did. Stay safe out there.""
    • During the 1 April, the Friendly T-Bot's idle appearance will change, with his winter coat being replaced with a stylish jacket.



    • Fixed his intro cutscene getting stuck on non-solid blocks.
    • Slightly reworded his explanation of Radiation mechanics.
      • Added a small cutscene after opening his shop menu for the first time during Hardmode, which explains the Radiation mechanics.
      • Rewrote some of his dialogue.
      • Can now use emotes.