Death Metal

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Death Metal
  • Death Metal item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage36 Magic
Knockback7 (Strong)
Elemental BonusArcane Shadow
Mana cost12
Critical chance4%
Use time30 Average
TooltipShred the guitar to launch a Death Coil
Shred again before the coil returns to bounce it back out, increasing its power and velocity
Successful bounces restore mana
RarityRarity Level: 3
Sell9 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Projectile created
Death Coil
Death Coil
The Death Metal in use.

The Death Metal is a craftable magic weapon. When used, it produces a non-damaging Pulse and a Death Coil, with only 1 Death Coil being able to exist at a time. Death Coil can go through tiles, can pierce 5 times, and attempts to home in on enemies. Upon traveling a certain distance, it will return back to the player, gaining infinite pierce. If the Death Coil reaches the player, it will disappear.

Using the weapon again at the right moment to hit the returning Death Coil with the Pulse will refund the weapon's mana cost and will bounce the Death Coil off, increasing its damage and velocity by 10%, as well as increasing its maximum pierce by 1. The bonuses are capped after 10 consecutive bounces at +100% increased velocity and damage and 15 maximum pierce.

Its best modifier is Mythical.


Crafting Station
Iron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Grave Steel AlloyGrave Steel Alloy16
Grim ShardGrim Shard1
Death MetalDeath Metal1


  • Due to the way the Death Coil projectile is coded, it always starts with +10% increased velocity and damage, making these stats max out after 9 bounces.
