Ancient Deity Duo

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Ancient Deity Duo
Ancient Deity Duo.png
Max Life256,000 / 354,000 / 531,000 (total)
KB Resist100%

A storm is brewing...

...And Nature Trembles

The Gods' Wrath is Upon You

The Ancient Deity Duo are post-Moon Lord bosses. It initially consists of a rematch against Eaglecrest Golem, which transforms into Ukko after a certain point. Ukko is later joined by Akka, who will fight alongside him.

While the Eaglecrest Golem is alive, Dramatic4 will play. Once the Eaglecrest Golem transforms into Ukko, Nature's Wrath will play.


The rematch with the Eaglecrest Golem is summoned by using the Ancient Sigil during the day. To obtain the Ancient Sigil, the player must surround the Eye of the Eaglecrest Golem in Gathic Stone or Gathic Gladestone after Moon Lord has been defeated. The stones will gradually begin energizing to signify that the process is active.

Once the structure has been fully empowered, it will transform into the Ancient Sigil and rain will begin to fall.


Phase 1

Eaglecrest GolemGuardian of Eaglecrest Meadow
Eaglecrest Golem.png
Eaglecrest Golem Map Icon.png
Map icon
Damage110 / 132 / 198
Elemental damageFire Wind
Max Life140,000 / 168,000 / 252,000
60,000 / 72,000 / 108,000 (after defeating ADD)
Elemental multipliersThunder 0.9x
Earth 0.75x
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfusedElectrifiedElectrified (Mod of Redemption)BleedingBlood ButcheredInfestedNecrotic GougeDirty Wound

Phase 2

UkkoAncient God of Weather
Ukko Map Icon.png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact, Gust, Dancing Light)
120 / 180 / 270 (Jyrina, contact during Lightning Chariot)
110 / 166 / 248 (Lightning, Static Dualcast)
96 / 144 / 216 (Thunderwave)
108 / 162 / 243 (Lightning Arc)
90 / 135 / 203 (Ice Spike)
Elemental damageEarth (Jyrina, contact during Lightning Chariot)
Thunder (Lightning, Thunderwave, Lightning Arc, Static Dualcast, contact during Lightning Chariot)
Ice (Ice Spike, Hail)
Max Life128,000 / 192,000 / 288,000
Guard Points2,560 (after the Stoneskin attack)
Elemental multipliersIce 1.25x
Shadow 1.1x
Water 0.9x
Wind 0.9x
Earth 0.75x
Thunder 0.75x
Blood 0.75x
DR25% (after defeating Patient Zero)
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffElectrifiedElectrified
50% chance

Debuff duration2.67 seconds (Lightning, Thunderwave, Lightning Arc, Static Dualcast)
5.33 seconds (The above projectiles if the player has the Wet debuff)
Debuff tooltipMoving hurts
Inflicts debuffIncandescenceIncandescence
100% chance

Debuff duration0.5 seconds (Dancing Light)
Debuff tooltipNO! TOO GLORIOUS! STOP!
Inflicts debuffStatic Shock!Static Shock!
100% chance

Debuff duration1 second (Static Dualcast)
Debuff tooltipYou are stunned by electricity!
Inflicts debuffWetWet
100% chance

Debuff duration10 seconds (Rain)
Debuff tooltipYou are dripping water
Immune toConfusedElectrifiedElectrified (Mod of Redemption)BleedingBlood ButcheredInfestedNecrotic GougeDirty Wound
Coins8 Gold Coin.png
AkkaAncient Goddess of Nature
Akka Map Icon.png
Map icon
Damage120 (Poison Bubble explosion)
40 (Earth Tremor)
200 (Bubble explosion)
173 / 258 / 387 (Floating Island)
113 / 169 / 253 (Moonbeam)
Elemental damageWater (Poison Bubble and Bubble explosion)
Thunder (Bubble explosion)
Poison (Poison Bubble explosion)
Earth (Floating Island)
Arcane Celestial (Moonbeam)
Max Life108,000 / 162,000 / 243,000
Guard Points2,160 (after the Barkskin attack)
Elemental multipliersFire 1.25x
Wind 1.25x
Water 0.9x
Earth 0.75x
Nature 0.75x
Poison 0.75x
Blood 0.75x
DR25% (after defeating Patient Zero)
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffAcid VenomAcid Venom
100% chance

Debuff duration2 seconds (Poison Bubble)
Debuff tooltipLosing life
Inflicts debuffStunned!Stunned!
100% chance

Debuff duration1 second (Earth Tremor)
Debuff tooltipYou are stunned!
Inflicts debuffWetWet
100% chance

Debuff duration10 seconds (Bubble)
Debuff tooltipYou are dripping water
Immune toConfusedBleedingBlood ButcheredInfestedNecrotic GougeDirty Wound
Coins8 Gold Coin.png


Eaglecrest Golem Rematch

Eaglecrest Golem behaves much like its original counterpart, but with significantly more speed, health, and damage. All of its attacks are upgraded and are far more intense.

Its roll can be utilized in midair and is much faster, allowing it to chase the player down despite flight speed. It can additionally use its eye laser in the middle of a roll.

It performs multiple claw swipes in rapid succession, with a far faster projectile. It can also summon multiple Eaglecrest Rock Piles at once, which similarly boosted stats.

Upon reaching 50% health, a cutscene begins depicting Ukko awakening and the Eaglecrest Golem being engulfed in lightning. After this point Ukko is the primary target of the fight.

It will begin to Rain once Ukko transforms.

Akka and Ukko


Ukko dashes around the player and stops for attacks. His attacks are generally more intense and targeted than Akka's.

  • Thunderclap - Strikes his hammer down, summoning Ukko's Lightning.gifLightning at the player's position. The strike's location is indicated via a brief Lightning Warning.gifwarning.
  • Gust - Releases spiraling Gust.pngGusts in random directions that deal no damage, but inlfict mild knockback.
  • Thunderwave - Flies in an arc, releasing 9 Ukko's Thunderwave.gifThunderwaves aimed at the player.
    • While Akka is alive, releases 6 Thunderwaves instead.
  • Lightning Chariot - Rides a chariot harnessed by Jyrina.gifJyrina. Dashes directly at the player, releasing Lightning Arcs as he travels. After peroforming 2 dashes, Ukko dismounts and launches Jyrina forward.
    • Ukko has to use 5 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again.
  • Lightning Bolts - Releases 4 Lightning Arcs in random directions.
  • Rain Cloud - Summons a Rain Cloud (normal).pngRain Cloud that pours down Rain (Ukko).pngRain, dealing no damage but inflicting the Wet debuff. If a Rain Cloud comes into contact with Ukko's Lightning, Thunderwave, Lightning Arc or Static Dualcast projectiles, it will turn into a Thunder Cloud, producing Lightning strikes.
  • Static Discharge - Fires 2 circles of Thunderwaves.
    • Ukko has to use 8 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again.
  • Dancing Lights - Conjures Dancing Lights around the player that slowly move around. They deal no damage, but inflict the Incandescence debuff if the player touches them.
    • Only performs this attack while the player is in The Hallow.
  • Dust Devil - Releases spiraling Gusts in random directions that deal no damage, but inflict heavy knockback.
    • Only performs this attack while the player is in the Desert.
  • Blizzard - Rains Ice Spike.gifIce Spikes from the sky that have a chance to inflict Chilled and Frozen. Additionally, any existing Rain Clouds will start producing Hail.pngHail instead of rain.
    • Only performs this attack while the player is in the Snow biome.

Below 80% health, gains the following attacks:

  • Stoneskin - Gains the Stoneskin buff for 10 seconds, which reduces damage taken by 25%. Additionally, gains 2,560 Guard Points.
    • Ukko has to use 20 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again. This cooldown starts running only after depleting all of Ukko's Guard Points.
  • Thunder Surge 1 - Summons a row of Lightning that strike one after another.
  • Thunder Surge 2 - Summons 2 rows of Lightning that quickly strike one after another. The rows differ in directions from which the Lightning strikes appear.
  • Thunder Surge 3 - Summons a circle of 12 Lightning at the player's position that strike simultaneously.

Below 60% health, gains the following attack:

  • Call Lightning - Repeatedly strikes his hammer, summoning Lightning around the player.
    • Performs less strikes if Akka is active.

Below 50% health, gains the following attacks:

  • Mending - Heals 6,000 life.
    • Ukko has to use 20 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again.
  • Static Dualcast - Launches 2 Static Dualcast.gifStatic Dualcasts that travel in a wave and inflict the Static Shock! debuff on hit.
    • Below 30% health, launches 2 more Static Dualcasts after the first pair.


Once Ukko reaches 75% health, he will become invulnerable and fly upwards. After descending, he will be joined by Akka, and the fight will continue. On subsequent refights, Akka will appear without the cutscene playing out.

Akka will dash to positions around the player, stopping to perform attacks. Her attacks are primarily supportive and cover a much wider area than Ukko's.

  • Poison Spray - Launches Poison Bubble.pngPoison Bubbles in random directions. The Bubbles explode after 2 seconds, dealing damage and inflicting Acid Venom to any players in their blast radius. If the bubbles hit Ukko's Rain Cloud, it will turn into a Poison Cloud.pngPoison Cloud, pouring down Poison Rain.pngPoison Rain that inflicts Acid Venom.
  • Island Bombardment - Brings down a Floating Island (Akka).pngFloating Island on the player. The Island's position is telegraphed by a red wave.
    • Akka has to use 30 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again.
  • Earth Tremor - Shakes the ground 3 times, dealing damage and applying Stunned! to any players standing on blocks or platforms.
  • Moonbeam - Fires a Moonbeam.pngMoonbeam at the player's position.

Below 80% health, gains the following attack:

  • Barkskin - Gains the Stoneskin buff for 10 seconds, which reduces damage taken by 25%. Additionally, gains 2,160 Guard Points.
    • Akka has to use 10 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again. This cooldown starts running only after depleting all of Akka's Guard Points.

Below 60% health, gains the following attack:

  • Healing Spirit - Sticks close to Ukko and conjures a healing aura for 3 seconds that restores 1,200 life per second to Ukko and 60 life per second to other NPCs, including Akka. If the aura touches Ukko's Rain Cloud, it will turn into a Healing Cloud.pngHealing Cloud, pouring down Healing Rain.pngHealing Rain that restores 1 life to the player and 100 to NPCs.
    • Only performs this attack if Ukko is alive and his health is below 75%.
    • Akka has to use 20 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again.

Team Attacks

These attacks can only be performed while both Ukko and Akka are alive. Additionally, Akka has to use 10 other attacks before any of the below attacks could be performed for the first time.

  • Bubbles - Akka releases a large amount of Bubble (Akka).pngBubbles that inflict the Wet debuff, but deal no damage initially. Ukko will then release a giant strike, bursting all Bubbles with electricity, which allows them to deal damage in an area.
    • Akka has to use 4 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again.
  • Earth Barrier - Akka stays to the side of the player and conjures an Earth Barrier.gifEarth Barrier above them, which blocks any projectiles. Ukko flies above the barrier and fires 9 pairs of Static Dualcasts at the player with varying velocities.
    • The Earth Barrier's appearance changes, depending on the biome the player is in. Corruption, Crimson, Desert and The Hallow have unique sprites, while every other biome uses the Forest barrier.
    • Akka has to use 6 other attacks before being able to perform this attack again.


  • Due to their high mobility, slower weapons are generally unfavorable against Ukko and Akka.
    • Likewise, it is highly recommended to bring mobility boosting accessories to match their speed, as their attacks can get quite overwhelming otherwise.
  • Eaglecrest Golem, Ukko, and Akka each have resistances to a variety of common Elemental damages. Having several weapons on hand to cover as many bases as possible is a good strategy to keep in mind to mitigate this.


  • Ukko and Akka take 33% damage from the Last Prism and 75% damage from homing projectiles. The list of homing projectiles they resist is identical to the Lunatic Cultist's one.
  • If the player defeats Patient Zero, Ukko and Akka will gain 25% damage reduction.


  • Ukko was the god of sky and thunder and Akka his wife in Finnish Paganism. Akka means goddess of fertility in Finnish.
  • Previous versions of the mod featured Thorn, Bane of the Forest as a second combatant in the rematch phase, but this was removed due to making little sense from a lore and gameplay standpoint and having little reason to exist.

BestiaryBestiary entries

  • Ukko: "Once a blacksmith in ancient Tethuram who had an immense talent in magic, growing to be seen as a god by many who witnessed his strengths. In his old age, growing weary of his mortality, Ukko infused his soul into a bundle of rocks, allowing him to eventually reform when the times comes. The locals worshipped this golem, until the knowledge of Ukko's soul inside slowly faded away."
  • Akka: "Little has been recorded of Akka during her youth, it is believed by the locals that her spirit infused with a great tree in the Spirit Realm, where she would sleep until awoken by her husband to be worshipped once more."





  • 0.7.9: Introduced.